Chapter 1

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Nagisa's POV

Karma and Kaede stood leaning over my shoulder 'to look at them you wouldn't believe anyone's thinking all that hard, but they are' I thought to myself as I finished rubbing out the previous career choices that had been written down by Nakamura. "Uh-oh Miss Irina's top! The tags still on," Kaede exclaimed with worry. "Guess she's not used to buying stuff off the rack." Karma replied a tint of humour in his voice "I'll take care of it" I responded as I got up and began reading her wavelength, I walked over and ripped the tag off the pro assassins shirt without her noticing and walked out.

"So have you decided on a perspective career, Nagisa my boy," Koro-sensei asked in his usually jolly tone "Sir I..." I went quiet as I looked at the tag in my hand "I, well uh... I think I have a talent for killing people." I took in a deep breath as i began to explain "I'm pretty sure I could from get what I do to what the reaper does. We all know i don't have any other strengths, so i mean what else could I reasonably shoot for, right?" I looked up to see the tentacle teacher turn his chair to face me "Koro-sensei should I become an assassin?" I asked, unprepared of what was to happen tomorrow night that would help me to confirm my choice.

Time skip to later that night(bc i'm lazy)

"Nagisa!" My mom called from downstairs "Dinners ready!"Ugh do i really have to? She'll just go on about my grades and how much she wanted a girl, again I thought to myself as I dragged my feet downstairs and sat down at the dinner table. Mom began to tell me that she was meeting with my teacher to tell them to move me to Class D, I panicked "No you can't! I know you want whats best for me but please just let me stay where i am for right now!" I blurted out. Her wavelength began to rise, she was angry, I should've brought this up when she was in a better mood. She stood up and grabbed my hair shaking my head violently back and forth as I began to get dizzy, she was talking about everything she does for me. The next thing i know we were in the 'dress up room' as I liked to call it because every time we are in there it was to dress me up, she dressed me up and talked about how much she wanted a girl and how my long hair suited the girly dresses.

After that, I went to bed seeing as I had no homework. Thinking back to the words Koro-sensei had said to me.


"Should I be an assassin?" I asked desperately "sure you have the talent for it but theirs a tinge of desperation in your attacks." Koro-sensei replied blatantly.

End Of Flashback

A/N This is unedited if their are spelling mistakes or grammar mistakes please message me about it :)

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