Introduction and cringe (A/N)

65 1 13

Hey guys! I have literally no idea why I'm writing this I should be doing my homework but nah.

Anyways, I know crazy people, and being the crazy people we are we named some people in our class after anime characters (namely Black Butler). So, I'm 'Eric' and I'm being shipped with 'Alan'. It's not fun. Anyways, I'm in a girls school, so I will be using female pronouns for everyone. AND GUYS PLEASE FOLLOW THE PERSON WHO INSPIRED US TO NAME PEOPLE AFTER ANIME CHARACTERS
(Senpai I'm sorry I dragged you into this)

But seriously, the only reason why I'm writing this is to make y'all cringe. (I'm a sadist I know)

Iroas_Omega is Grell Sutcliff
Our literature rep is Ronald Knox
Our class monitress (the short one) is Alan Humphries
Our science rep (me!) is Eric Slingby
DaughterOfApolloYay is Othello
Oh and for William T. Spears we have A REAL WILLIAM T. SPEARS (personality wise)

Enjoy the cringe, and give us some questions i think?

Wait this is an ask book so you have to give us questions or I'll start ranting about unicorns and potatos and our class mascots Bob and Bobina

This was not Grell approved, but is approved by Eric, Alan and Ronald.

I do not know what boss thinks of this

I'm scared


Eric Slingby, signing off!
(We need serious help.)

(You can stop reading here)

Ps. This is actually approved by Boss so I guess I'm just gonna publish it...

Wattpad what do you mean by this is short

Wattpad is this long enough

Wattpad why

What am I doing with my life

Help me

(aka liz)


I'm sorry I hope this is long enough now

Please ask questions or we'll be forced to improvise

Aka me ranting about AssClass or Fairytail or K-On or even Hetalia because I'm done ok


Eric Slingby, signing off!

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