Daniel Ricciardo - 'The new Prince of Monaco'

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A/N: Hey friends! Just a one shot that came up to me when I saw pictures of Daniel having a party for his victory. Can we just take a minute to think about this race? He deserved this victory and I'm sure we're all very happy for him. (: Enjoy! (I'm also currently working on your requests guys! They should be published soon!)

Next Saturday would be your best friend's wedding. You two had been bosom buddies since middle school and now one of you was fulfilling her dream: getting married to the man she loved. Even though you were not the one who was getting married, you were still full of joy. As you two were very close friends, it had not been a surprise when she had told everyone that you would be the only bridesmaid on her wedding day.

Tonight was the last night she would party as a single lady. In 5 days, she would not longer be Miss Bf/n Bf/l/n, she would take her husband's name. The ladies were on their way to throw your best friend's hen party in Monaco. You had chosen a bar with the other girls that was not far from the port. Monaco was a really nice place and you often went there with your parents when you were younger.

As you got closer to the establishment, it looked crowded and very noisy. You were the first one to enter the bar and as soon as you set a foot inside, you realised there was already a party going on.

'It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A! It's fun to stay Y.M.C.A!' you could hear people singing... was it more like screaming?

There were so many people dancing, screaming and drinking everywhere in the bar. You slowly turned towards your friends and made a face.

'Hmm... Should we go somewhere else?' you asked.

Bf/n stepped forward and put her arm around your shoulders before saying:

'Of course not! We can have our own party. Let's make sure we scream as loud as them, girls!'

You chuckled and the other girls shout a war cry before heading to the terrace where there was enough room for all of you.

You sat at a round table and listened to the party-animals still screaming their song. You soon ordered some drinks and many 'cheers!' could be heard from your group. A few people from the covered part of the bar turned around at the applause. They soon noticed your best friend wearing a sash saying 'Bride to be' and started to whistle and clap.

The first two hours included chats about the wedding and other topics. You noticed that the groom's young sister sitting next to you was not have fun. You leant towards her and whispered:

'Hey, what's up? Not in the mood for a party?'

She only shrugged and looked at her drink. It was full.

'Oh, let me guess, not a fan of alcohol?'

She shyly nodded. You smiled and said before winking:

'Well, that's a good thing, me neither! My glass is empty, I'm going to get us some soft cocktails, okay?'

She smiled broadly and thanked you. You got up and headed for the bar, trying to zigzag between people who were still partying very hard. They were no longer singing but screaming something. After a few attempts, you got what they were saying: 'Who's our champion?! DAN THE MAN!' You reached the counter, quietly chuckled while shaking your head.

'Excuse me, what are they celebrating?' you asked the bar tender, who was cleaning wine glasses.

The big man shouted:

'AH! Our fellow Daniel Ricciardo! He won the Monaco Grand Prix!'

You had to lean in to hear him over the music but mostly got what he said.

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