Lando Norris - Apologies

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A/N: Hey guys, I'm alive! It's been a while since I've updated anything but I'm trying really hard. I still have requests to write, I did not forget you, I promise! (: This one is just something I wanted to write so there you go. It's a long one, I'm so sorry! (2855 words)

Austrian Grand Prix 2019

You stood in the paddock, waiting for Lando who was about three meters away. What a race. 6th and 8th. Those were so great results that everyone in the Mclaren team was cheering. You watched from afar Lando messing with his engineers who kept congratulating him. They were telling him again and again about the fight with Kimi Raikkönen.

Though you were as excited as anyone in the team, you had to get to the media pen with Lando as quickly as possible. You kept telling the British driver that he was expected.

'One more minute!' he kept saying.

He said that half an hour ago and kept saying it now. It was always like this with Lando Norris. It was very hard to get him somewhere on time. Unfortunately, the journalists often cursed you because of this. Those people hungry for the drivers' words could be merciless to a Press Officer.

Now that he was more or less done joking around with his engineers, some fans approached him to get pictures but also for autographs on their cap. You would always respect Lando for this. He would aways take time for his fans, every single day. He wanted to make everyone happy. It was nice to see him so close to people who were always supporting him.

You turned around and saw most of the drivers and their PR coming back from the media pen. Some were going back to their hospitality to celebrate and others would drink to forget the mess of this race. Mclaren was surely going to celebrate, no doubt about that. You sighed and shook your head. Great, Lando was still not ready to go.

You looked back at Lando who was now with a girl, a beautiful one, posing for a picture. She was almost drooling and fluttering her eyelashes. They both turned to the camera and smiled. The girl was holding his left arm in hers while resting her head on his shoulders like a perfect girlfriend.

You rolled your eyes even though it was painful to watch as you could see Lando raising his hand to her back. You almost looked away but did not. Nobody, nobody knew about your terrible crush on the British driver. He would always make you laugh with his jokes and comfort you when you needed it. You never acted on it. You thought that he might not see you that way and if you acted on your feelings, it might break something in your friendship. Because you and Lando were friends and not just a driver and his PR.

The same girl who was still clinging to Lando's arm giggled and said, smiling widely:

'You're so strong, Lando!'

'Thank you, love. Must be the milk,' he laughed before winking at her.

You rolled your eyes once again, trying to ignore the needle slowly piercing your heart. The girl asked for another picture with his cap on. Alright, you had enough. You put your sunglasses on and said loud enough for the driver to hear:

'I'm going ahead, Lando.'

Then, you left without hearing his answer, if he had answered anything. You quickly jogged to the media pen that was almost empty except for the two drivers of the day, Charles Leclerc and Max Verstappen. As you were approaching the area, you noticed some journalists checking their watch. When they saw you, they immediately asked for Lando. You apologised, trying to joke.

Formula 1 - One Shots [Requests closed]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora