Chatper1: A sweet home and a unexpected betrayal

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Authors note: the front cover of this book is the same front cover as another book so please make sure your reading the right book

Ash had just lost the Kalos league and decides to go home. Clemont and Bonnie had stayed behind at Kalos to study on mechanics, they promised that they will meet with Ash again, whenever he comes to Kalos. Serena decided to travel to some other regions to perform in their showcases as well. She also promised that they would meet again 

"It's been a while since I could smell the air in Kanto"said Ash to Pikachu 

"Pika Pika Chu (yeah I can't wait to smell your moms food)"said Pikachu 

Ash laughed at Pikachu's horrible joke, he had been listening to these jokes too much times that he started to think that they were funny. "Let's race each other to my mom's house"suggested Ash . Pikachu nodded and raced towards the entrance of the boat, it knew that the person closest to the entrance could get a head start."hey that's cheating" said Ash.

"Pika pi" said Pikachu (you can also come here if you want)

Ash walked to the area where Pikachu was and posed in a starting position. Even though some people were looking at them, they didn't care!

Thirty minutes later, they arrived at Kanto and started racing each other down the street.

Pikachu used quick attack out speed Ash.

"Hey thats cheating!"said Ash to his partner Pikachu.

"pika pi kachu" replied Pikachu(fine I'll not use quick attack anymore) and with that, he jumped onto Ash's shoulder. When Ash had almost reached the door of their house, Pikachu jumped of and ran to the door.

"Pika pika pika chu"said Pikachu(It looks like I won)

"Fine I admit defeat, you're just too smart for me"Ash smiled said to his loyal partner. Ash knocked on the door and his mother came out.

She gave him a bone crushing hug."arggggh h can't breat..h" panted Ash

Then she led him inside. Ash found all his friends were staring at him in a hateful way.

"Whats wrong guys" asked Ash.

"Your a stupid idiot who just relies on luck" shouted Brock

"you never won a pokemon league" screamed Misty

"I can't believe I looked up to you and hoped to follow your cursed path"raged Max

"you are just a stupid idiot who cant win anything, I wish you were never born"cursed Iris!

"You suck" shouted Misty

"Your Pokemon are weak"chipped in Tracey

"Whats wrong guys, I thought you were my friends" said Ash clearly confused on why his "friend"were acting to him this way."I thought friends were to help each other"

'we are not your friends anymore, your a bastard" the group all chanted togather.

"Brock you should have been arrested long ago for abuse of every officer Jenny and nurse Joy you see" shouted Ash.


Ash was cut of when all the traitors said"we don't care"

"Even your mother agrees" said Tracey.

"Mom what do you think"asked Ash, his mother was always supporting him on his dreams, however the reply was not what Ash suspected.

"Ash, darling I think you should give up your dreams and do something else, like what Gary has done. You should do something else instead, perhaps becoming a doctor or professor like Brock or Gary have done" replied Delia.

Ash was stunned and shocked, his mouth slowly opened up. Over the years, he thought that his mother always supported him on his dreams, however this time is mother was siding with the traitors. Ash felt heartbroken!His mother was always the one he trusted the most and loved the most. It was like a sharp-edged knife, piecing his broken, glassy heart like a bullet.

"Arggggghhhh"Ash screamed at the top of his voice, tear drops dropped out of his eyes and onto his birthmarks before trailing to his cheeks. It had proven too much for him to handle. Ash bashed the door and ran outside. He swore revenge.

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