I just groaned and shook my head, leaving the room in exasperation.

I walked down the stairs, and ran in Klaus. He grinned at me.

"What's wrong, love?" he asked smirking. I shook my head.

"Do you realize your sister is upstairs packing 9 suitcases for me?!" I exclaimed. His smirk fell.

"What?" he asked. I nodded.

"I will go talk to her. You stay here and wait for Elena." he said, heading upstairs. I groaned.

"Fine." I called, and headed into the living room. I poured myself a bourbon.

"Wow. Someone's hitting it heavy before their trip..." Kol said, strolling into the room. I smirked at him.

"Yeah, well, I'm going to have to see the doppelganger before I leave, plus your sister is packing 9 suitcases for me. I need something." I said, taking a large gulp. He chuckled.

"Of course Rebekah is going overboard. When does she not? And as for the doppelganger... well, she's not worth thinking about." he said, plopping down next to me. I smiled, and leaned into him.

"I'm going to miss you." I whispered. He put his arm around me, giving me a side hug.

"And I you. But you will be having fun, and so will I." he said, grinning down at me. I chuckled.

"Ah, I forgot you get to torture someone. Such fun." I said sarcastically. He grinned, and I grinned back at him.

"Well, doesn't this look cozy?" came a familiar voice. I whipped my head up to see Stefan standing in the doorway, Elena peering around him.

Kol got up and sauntered over to him. "Who invited you?" he sneered. "I do believe Nik only wanted the doppelganger, not her bodyguard."

Stefan glared at him, then glanced at me. I looked at him, keeping my face expressionless. He turned away from me, a slight frown on his face.

"I'm here because of Jeremy. You wouldn't know where he is, would you?" Stefan asked Kol, eyebrows raised. Kol smirked.

"I'm fairly sure I have no idea." Kol said, feigning innocent. I coughed to cover my laugh. Elena and Stefan turned to glare at me, and I put an innocent expression on my face.

"And what about you?" Elena said. I just smiled sweetly and took my final sip of bourbon.

"Even if I did, I wouldn't tell you." I said. Elena glared, and I had to fight my laughter. Did she really think she could scare me?

Stefan rushed over to stand in front of me.

"Lizzie, please. This isn't like you." he pleaded, looking at me. That was the last straw.

I heard a crunch of glass, and glanced down to see I had broken the glass I had been holding. I stood up, getting right into Stefan's face.

"You don't know anything about me!" I screamed. "You haven't seen me in over a century, and even after that, you were too busy with your precious blood bag to even try to get to know me. You have no idea who I am, or what I am capable of."

Stefan stepped back, stunned. Kol stood grinning at me, and Elena looked a little frightened of me. I heard a chuckle, and whipped around to see Klaus leaning against the banister of the stairs. I took a deep breath and walked over to his side.

He wrapped his arm around my waist, and pressed a quick kiss to my forehead.

"Now, what is all this yelling about?" he asked. Elena had taken a step back when he appeared, and Stefan had run to stand in front of her. Kol went back to sitting on the couch I had just vacated.

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