"It's a lot more welcoming, I like it," Liza compliments.

I gave her a smile as I plop down on one of the bean bags. "Everyone has their own cubby holes for their stuff. In case they needed to stay the night or something. There's also a lot of spare blankets and pillows."

"You really thought of everything, didn't you?" Even Zane was impressed.

"Is that a mini fridge?" David sounded more excited than a child on Christmas.

"There's nothing in it yet," I inform everyone.

"How the hell did you get a mini fridge up here?" Alex asked.

"Well, you see," Scotty chimes in, "there's a wonderful human being who goes by the name of Scotty Sire. He is very handsome and charming, and he also fixed this place up, too." He took a seat beside me on the floor and opened up our box of pizza. California is making me really unhealthy.

"Thanks for all the help," I tell him while grabbing myself a slice.

"Oh, anything for you, my love!" Gabbie overdramatically drops to her knees and places a hand on her heart.

"Why are you so extra?" Zane asked with a look of disgust on his face. Gabbie let out a dramatic gasp.

"You're calling me extra?!" She stood up from her spot on the floor just to plop back down into one of the beanbags. "I can't believe you."

"Zane, you're the most extra person in this room." Matt gives Zane a pat on the back as he breaks the news to the boy.

"I am not," He childishly pouts by crossing his arms and plopping to the ground. Matt just laughed before digging into his food.

David pulled out an old wooden box from his bag so he could get out his pre-rolled joints.

"Hey, I don't think I can smoke today. I'm trying to get my grades up, and falling asleep in class isn't going to help."

"Are you sure, Ave?" He tauntingly waves the weed in front of my face so I could smell it.

"You're evil," I groan. "But yes, I'm sure."

"I'm not alone today!" Matt throws his hands up in the air like he was celebrating. "I'm not the only one not smoking."

"How stupid of you two," Alex jokes before taking a hit. "One weed a day keeps the doctor away."

"You're actually the worst," Liza claims.

I ignore my other friends and turn to Matt. It's been a good minute since I talked to him.

"What have you been up to, lately?" I ask while crossing my legs.

"Not a lot. Work and Skyping Meg." His lips curled up a bit as he mentioned her name.

"I feel like a horrible friend. I'm sure you talk to her more than I do, now." We both let out a small laugh. He shook his head and bit his lip for a moment before answering.

"Yeah, well, she still loves you the same." We sat there for a moment in peaceful silence. Matt's cheeks were flushed a pretty pink and he was trying his best not to smile. It was quite adorable. "Anyways, that's enough about her. What about you? Other than smoking and illegal activities, what have you been up to?"

"Not much, really. I applied for a few jobs at the mall. I'm trying to get my grades up, so I've been forcing myself to go home early these days."

"Ah, I see," he smiled again. "You went from good kid, to rebellious teen, and back to good kid."

Mischief // S.S. AUWhere stories live. Discover now