The Vet's

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London and Brooklyn drove to the market and when they stopped in the parking lot, London started to get out. Before she could set her foot on the ground, though, Brooklyn grabbed her wrist stopping her. "Remember, you're blind, Lon. Don't find any of the groceries and don't completely avoid crashing into people, as horrible as it sounds." London nodded before exiting the car with her cane.

London and Brooklyn entered the store, London sweeping her cane back and forth in front of her, occasionally getting it lodged on ridges on the curbs or against walls. The sisters perused the aisles, brooklyn scanning the shelves for items on the list while London stood by with a bored expression on her face.

"Do you think Dr. Deaton is still around?" Brooklyn asked while inspecting a loaf of bread before throwing it in her cart.

"I don't know, we could check by his office after this. Why?" London responded.

"Because I need a job. Whether he has an opening as a vet or in the.." she lowers her voice, "supernatural department, I'll take it." London nods.

The girls grab a couple more groceries before checking out. On their way out, London's cane knocks over a sign, making a loud clanging noise as it smack the ground. When she senses her older sister's disapproving stare, she shrugs her shoulders. "What? I'm blind, I gotta have some fun with it."

Brooklyn shook her head as she bent over to pick up the object. They loaded the groceries in the trunk and took off towards the local vet's office which was also, unbeknownst to the rest of the town, the workplace of the former emissary of the Hale pack.

The girls entered the office, an overhead bell ringing when the door swung open. They were met with the sight of (or rather Brooke was met with the sight of) six teenagers and Deaton talking in the room. The conversation ceased when they entered the room, seven pairs of eyes on them.

The six teenagers looked like they were high schoolers. Seniors. All around seventeen or eighteen. Dr. Deaton cleared his throat "Can I help you ladies? I'm sorry, but the office is closed for today."

Brooklyn smirked at the man who clearly didn't recognize her. "Aw c'mon Doc, it's only been, what? Six years? I thought you'd remember your favorite girls?"

Confusion clouded Deaton's eyes before a smile slowly spread across his face. "Brooklyn Kam! It's been too long!" he hugged the young woman before turning to the other sister. "Is that really you, London? You've grown up!" Deaton moved to embrace the younger girl, but stopped when his foot struck the cane that touched the floor. He looked at her face and noticed that her gaze was unfocused and she was looking at his shoulder rather than his face.

She smiled softly knowing what he was looking at. "It's been three years since this happened, Doc." She tapped her cane against the floor slightly. "It's fine, I'm used to it, honestly."

Deaton chuckled. "Alright, sweetheart. Here, girls, let me introduce you to the pack."

Six sets of eyes widened at this admission. "Deaton-!"

"What are you-"

"Not cool man-!"

"Alright! Alright, alright, calm down all of you." Deaton shushed. "The girls here are involved in the supernatural as well. They're witches."

"There are witches, too?!" A slightly lanky, pale boy exclaimed.

Deaton rolled his eyes. "Honestly, Stiles, at this point, you should stop being surprised by anything." The boy is question, Stiles, just made a face at the doctor's statement. "Anyway girls, this is the resident pack of Beacon Hills."

"Scott McCall." Adorable brown puppy eyes. "Stiles Stilinski." Aforementioned awkward boy. "Allison Argent." A pretty, pale brunette. "Lydia Martin." An attractive redhead. "Isaac Lahey." Cute, dirty blonde curls. Finally, he motions to an Asian girl next to Isaac. "And Kira Yukimura."

Brooke was surprised to see the other Asian girl. When they had previously lived in Beacon Hills, Brooklyn and London had been two of a very small minority of Asians. "Everyone here has connections to the supernatural world. Scott-"

Suddenly, London spoke up. "Derek?" Brooklyn looked at her younger sister in confusion at hearing her best friend's name.

"Lon, what are you talking abo-?" Brooklyn is cut off by the swinging of the door and another body entering the room.

"Sorry, I had to deal with something back at the house what did I-"

"Derek?" Brooklyn's shocked whisper stopped everyone in their tracks. He looked up and it was unmistakably him. Those piercing green eyes had not changed and could not belong to anyone but her best friend. "De-Derek, oh my god." Brooklyn covered her mouth and stumbled back into Deaton's examination table. London also gazed in awe in Derek's direction.

"Brooklyn? London?" A shocked expression overtook his face as he took in his best frind who he thought was dead. "Holy shit."

But Brooklyn couldn't calm down. She was shaking, her hands trembling. "No, no, y-you died. I thought you were. I-" She covered her mouth, a sob stuck in her throat.

"Brooke." Was all the man in front of her could say. Through her shock, she couldn't deny how attractive Derek had become. She had liked him before the fire, but had never acted on it. His muscular body shone through his fitted clothing and his striking eyes see her soul.

"Oh god." Was all Brooklyn said before she threw her body at him. The moment their bodies made contact, a shock hit both of them, a burning sensation in their chests. Derek gasped in shock as did Brooklyn who stared up at him.

"Well, that...was not a moment that any of us should have witnessed." Deaton said suddenly.

"What happened?" Brooklyn asked confusedly.

Deaton simply smiled. "I'll let Derek explain that to you later."

London cleared her throat. "I know that you love my sister and all, D, but I at least expected some form of acknowledgement."

Derek turned and smiled a face-splitting grin at the younger girl. "Oh my god, London. I've missed you so much, Princess." Then he, like all others had, stopped at the sight of her cane. "Lon, what happened?" Derek's brow furrowed as he stared down at the girl before him.

London shrugged. "I guess we don't really know. I woke up one day three years ago and the world was all black." The rest of the group looked on in sympathy at the girl. They couldn't imagine what it would be like.

"It was also the day her...powers came in." Brooklyn stated unsurely. "I've always thought that could be one of the reasons." Derek gave her a confused look.

"But London has had her powers since she was six. I can remember her shocking my ass out of bed when she was annoyed." He smirked at the last statement because he had so many memories of the young witch hurtling latin words his direction when she was angry. Damn it hurt sometimes.

"No," London spoke, her unseeing eyes still fixed on something behind Deaton's head, "different powers...strange ones." She dropped her white cane and it clattered in the silence. All eyes were on her as she lifted her left hand and softly flicked her wrist. A round of gasps sounded from the other end of the room as the water forced itself from the bottle in Isaac's hand and clung to the skin of London's fingers, the girl's eyes glowing a bright electric green. "I can always feel when there's water around. I can control it."

"The Fortress Four." Deaton whispered in awe. 

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