Chapter 2: Suprise

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Bella's point of view:

Ah Finally! Edwards home! I quickly run to meet him at the door. I turn the Corner to see my 17 year old husband staring at me with bright ruby eyes...

"Edward" I made sure I emphasized his name. " What happened?"

"Bella, I, I"

"You what?" I tired to make my voice sound angry, but it sounded like a plead.

" I'm going to be a guard in the Volturi."

Shock ran threw me. Paralyzing me. I couldn't speak, breathe, or blink. Anger, fear, and sadness hit me like a big wave on the beach. "Why are your eyes red?" I ask, baffled that he would feast on any human. He shrugged, "I wanted to fit in with the guard." I rolled my eyes, "Edward! You vowed to never eat humans!! How many lives did you take?"

"23" his voice was as cold as ice but still like velvet...

I started to back up, but it was no use, every step he came closer to me. It came to a point where I had no where to go, no where to run. I was in his grasp.

"Edward please don't hurt me!!" I wanted to just hit him and run off, like I could do to a human. But he was as hard as stone. His icy grasp sent shivers up my spine.

"Bella I would never"

"Then why did you do this?! We are supposed to be forever each other's! Now your what you always talked about, a monster!" His eyes widened in shock when I said "monster".

"You were never like this, you actually cared about me and now you don't? Please tell me what I did!"

"Bella you didn't do anything."

I cut him off before he finished.

"Then why are you doing this?"

"Bella, it's complicated."

"Oh things are complicated for you!!!"


Before I knew it he was kissing my forehead.

"Love, I want to stay but I can't."

He went to my forehead to my lips. It was a passionate one but urgent. Every cell in my body was telling me to stop but I couldn't. But then he got closer to my neck.

I felt his razor sharp teeth sink in and release. He had bit me!


Hey guyes thanks for reading!!!! 10 starts for the next chapter!!! Love you guyes!!! Comment and vote Kay!!! I'm open to ideas!!!!

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