The Truth part 2

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Marinette POV

I had finished sawing and Emma had fallen asleep. So I left her to see how Adrain was doing. When I got to Emma Room he was laying on the ground and I said.

Hey how everything going Adrain.

He sat up and his face was red and he said.

Well I almost got everything just can't figure out where all the pieces to the last thing go."

Here let  me see.

With in a couple of minutes I had it put together and placed and I went back to the other room and grabbed every thing and put everything were it went. I every replosered the window seat in her room and add pillows. When I was finely done I smiled and heard Emma cry I looked at the time.  I went and got her and went down stares with Adrain followed me. I made Emma a bottle and looked at Adrain and said.

Can you please Feed her I have to make dinner.

He nodded and I walked over and placed Emma in is arm and gave him the bottle and I went and stared to cook and Adrain said.

"Is the food any good Mari."

Yep my parents bought a bunch of food for me and they have a key so they put it all always hits why there baby formula in the cupboard and bottles all the stuff was my Parents and Alta doing and yes Ayla know she found out by my parents  As for them I know they are dating because I also wrote her letters and since alya told me they live together I addressed it to the both of them.

He nodded and I finished the food making to Ares and said.

Adrian do you know how to burp her.

"I been watch you."

Her but this over your shoulder.

"No I am fine."

Okay but you will learn that the rag helps.

I turned around and grab silver ware when Adrain said.

Okay I see what you mean.

He hands me Emma and I said.

Yep the rag is a thing you have to use.

I was laughing and Emma was making noises and Adrain said.

"This isn't funny."

I stopped and looked at him and said.

Take your shirt of and I will wash it.

He looked at me and I said.

Look it's not like I haven't seen you shirt less before Adrain.

I wyped Emma's mouth and went up stares and layed her in her bed I grabbed a music box that played a lullaby. I tucked her in and left and went down stares and ate as Adrain contain about it being cold and I laughed making me cough because I had food in my mouth. I felt someone hit my back and I said.

I am fine don't worry.

"Thats what you get for laughing with food in your mouth."

Yeah I know.

"Mari can we please talk about all of this?"

About what Adrain?

"Come on Mari you know  What I am talking about."

No not a clue.

"Marinette why do you keep voiding the subject?"

What subject ?

He gave me a glare and I got and walk over to my bag and grabbed a box my grandmother gave  me and opened it to find a necklace that had two parts of a heart on that looked like a ladybugs and the other that had a green paw print on it. I took it up stares and put the box in my dress as I went to get something out of my closet the door was forced shut and I looked up to see Adrain and He said.

"Marinette what going on every time I bring it up you eather leave to do something or you change the subjects! What going on Mari?"

I looked down only for Adrain to make me face him again and are eyes meet. It was silent so I said.

Adrain you don't get it do you.

"Get what Mari?"

That they only reason Blake came back with me is to make sure I don't mess up again. When Emma was born and even when we found out my grandmother kept saying I was a disgrace to the family. That Emma was A mistake and I should have waited tell I was married. No matter what Emma will never be nothing more to my family then a disgrace to the family and only Blake would help me. Adrain what happened that night was  a mis-

He stopped me before I could finish and said.

"She not a mistake."

Adrian Let me finish before you say anything.

He nodded and I said.

That night was a mistake because we were both drunk and the mistake le-

The baby monitor went off and I moved his arm and went to Emma Room to see her crying I picked her up and Adrain came in and said.

"And what Mari?"

A mistake that lead to a great thing.

I pulled Emma close to me and  you could see her green eyes as well as Adrain's but I got lost in thought when I felt arms around me.

Adrain's POV
I rapped my arms around Mari and layed my chin on her shoulder and she stiffed up but soon relaxed. We stayed like that and I was lissioning to Mari sing. I was brought it of my thought by Mari tapping my nose. I let go and she out Emma in her crib and we left she went down stares and she though my shirt Anand some other thing in the washer and turned and said.

"It won't be done tell morning so you can-"

I had her pinned against a wall and-

Marinette POV

He pinned me against the wall and our faces were close . The next thing I know he kissed me and when he broke it I felt my face heat up and said.

A-Adrian w-was that f-for?

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