Marianette's leaving

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Marinette woke up the morning after celebrating their high school graduation with Adrian. As she opened her eyes, she felt the warmth of another body beside her. Turning to her side, she saw Adrian sleeping peacefully. Looking around the room, she noticed their clothes scattered all over the floor. Marinette quickly got dressed and realized that her purse was missing. Just then, Tikki sneezed, drawing Marinette's attention to Adrian holding Tikki in his other hand.

"Adrian, please put Tikki down," Marinette pleaded.

Adrian got up and walked towards her, remarking, "You still have a stuffed animal."

Marinette explained that Tikki was her lucky charm and asked Adrian to return both Tikki and her purse as she had somewhere to be in two hours and still needed to pack. However, despite her plea, Adrian seemed hesitant.

"Fine," Marinette said frustratedly. "Keep it! I have more at home anyway. I don't have time for this."

She was about to storm out of the room when Adrian interrupted, warning her about his father's imminent arrival.

"There's no time!" Marinette exclaimed as there was a knock on the door. In a rush of panic, Adrian handed over Marinette's purse and pushed her into the bathroom where Tikki whispered an idea.

"Tikki spots on," Marinette whispered back.

Marinette quickly transformed into Ladybug while still in the bathroom and used her yo-yo to escape through the open window without being detected by Adrian or his father. Once safely on a rooftop nearby catching her breath after escaping a potentially awkward situation with Adrian's father, Chat Noir appeared beside Ladybug.

"Hello m'lady," he greeted with a smirk.

"Hey Chat," Ladybug responded worriedly as she noticed blood on his cheek. "What happened?"

Confused, Chat Noir looked at her and asked, "What do you mean?"

"There's blood on your face," Ladybug explained as she approached him to wipe it off. With a concerned expression, she asked, "What happened to you in your civilian form, Chat?"

Chat Noir brushed off her concern, insisting that everything was fine and that he had it under control. However, Ladybug insisted that he be careful while she was away.

"You're leaving?" Chat Noir asked with surprise.

Ladybug confirmed that she would be living with her grandparents for five months to learn more about her Chinese culture. Uncertain about what would happen after those five months, Ladybug bid farewell and left.

As Ladybug swung through the city deep in thought about the events of the previous night, tears welled up in her eyes. She had recently moved out of her parent's house into a small two-story home with four bedrooms and two bathrooms. Her room was the largest one where she had set up a design studio but had been experiencing creative block lately. Landing on the balcony connected to her room, Ladybug transformed back into Marinette and entered her room.

Marinette gave Tikki a cookie before Tikki asked if she was okay. Marinette sighed and admitted that she couldn't believe they got drunk and didn't use protection.

"Mari," Tikki reassured her, "whatever happens will be fine."

With Tikki's comforting words in mind, Marinette tried to push away any worries or regrets as she prepared herself for the journey ahead.

Meanwhile, Adrian pondered various thoughts as Chat Noir. He worried about his father cutting his allowance but tried not to dwell on it too much since it had been happening for some time now. He also couldn't believe what transpired between him and Marinette the previous night; he hoped that Marinette wouldn't hate him because of it.

Adrian decided to transform back into his civilian form and sought advice from a police officer at the station. The officer assured him that his father would be arrested, as he had just sent out some of his cops. Grateful for the information, Adrian left the station and went to the park for a walk.

As he strolled through the park lost in thought, Adrian heard Nino calling out his name. He turned around to see Nino and Ayla running towards him. Ayla wasted no time asking about what happened between Adrian and Marinette.

Apologizing, Adrian told her that it was their business, but he didn't want to talk about it since Marinette deserved her privacy. Nino intervened and explained that they had just said goodbye to Marinette as she left for an extended period. Her parents believed it would be beneficial for her to explore her Chinese heritage by staying with her grandparents for a while. Nino warned Ayla not to be surprised if Marinette looked different when she returned.

As they continued walking together, Ayla handed Adrian a medium-sized box that Marinette had made for each of them before leaving. She instructed him not to open it until Marinette came back.

Nodding in agreement, Adrian bid farewell to Ayla as she went off to see her sister. He was left alone with his thoughts until Mari called him.

"Hello Mari, what's up?" Adrian answered the call eagerly.

"Adrian," Mari began with urgency in her voice, "please don't tell Ayla and Nino anything about my plans or whereabouts. I changed my mind at the last minute; I won't be back for a year."

Surprised by this revelation, Adrian tried to reason with Mari based on what Ayla had previously mentioned about a few months' absence rather than an entire year.

Mari reassured him by explaining that she wanted to spend time with her maternal grandparents who lived traditionally and didn't believe in using technology. She promised to keep in touch through letters and urged Adrian to go to her parents if anything happened.

Feeling a tinge of loneliness, Adrian said goodbye to Mari, pleading for her safety. With that, the call ended, leaving Adrian with mixed emotions about Mari's year-long absence.

As Marianette embarked on her journey to discover her heritage and Adrian grappled with his struggles, their lives took separate paths. Little did they know that their destinies would intertwine once again in the future.

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