Back to Paris

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Marinette's heart swelled with excitement as she prepared to return home to Paris. After spending almost a year in China, she gave birth to a beautiful little girl named Emma. With her hair and Adrian's eyes, Emma was a constant reminder of the love they shared. Marinette had embraced Chinese culture during her time there, wearing traditional dresses and even dressing Emma in them as well. But now, it was time for them to head back home.

Marinette's parents were eager to meet their granddaughter and had converted Marinette's old room into a nursery for Emma. As Marinette held little Emma in her arms, she couldn't help but reflect on how much had changed over the past year. She had grown closer to her cousin Blake, who lived with their grandparents in China. They had become like siblings, and Marinette was grateful for all the help he provided.

The next day arrived quickly, and Marinette packed everything they needed for their journey back home. With Emma safely in her arms, they headed to the airport where Blake accompanied them. The flight would be long, but Marinette opted to hold Emma instead of placing her in a car seat since she tended to fuss when put down.

As the hours passed on the plane, it felt like an eternity for Marinette. Finally, the pilot announced that they would be landing soon. The anticipation grew within her as thoughts of reuniting with her family filled her mind.

Once they landed and disembarked from the plane, Marinette hailed a cab and made their way home. She dropped off Blake at her house so he could rest while she took little Emma with her to visit her parents' bakery first.

Walking into the bakery with Emma asleep in her arms brought joyous exclamations from Marinette's mother who emerged from the kitchen upon hearing their arrival.

"My darling daughter! You look so beautiful and have grown so much," her mother exclaimed, beaming with pride.

Marinette hugged her mother tightly before introducing Emma. Her mother couldn't contain her excitement at seeing her granddaughter, and Marinette's heart swelled with happiness as she witnessed their immediate bond.

"Do you not have a baby stroller?" her mother asked concernedly.

Marinette shook her head, but her mother quickly disappeared upstairs and returned with a stroller and a diaper bag filled with essentials for Emma. Marinette thanked them for their thoughtfulness, knowing that they had prepared for Emma's arrival with much anticipation.

Before leaving to take Blake to the bakery, Marinette asked him to watch over Emma. However, he was preoccupied with going through his bags and declined the request. Accepting his refusal gracefully, Marinette decided to take care of Emma herself while Adrian watched in awe.

As she attended to Emma's needs, Adrian couldn't help but notice how effortlessly Marinette cared for their daughter. He was captivated by the love and tenderness she showed towards Emma. Curiosity got the better of him as he asked about the baby's father.

"Mari, who is the baby's father?" Adrian questioned hesitantly.

Marinette turned towards him with a small smile playing on her lips as she gently cradled Emma in her arms.

"She met Adrian," she replied calmly.

"What is its name?" Adrian continued curiously.

Marinette corrected him gently, "First off, it's not an 'it,' it's a 'she.' And her name is Emma."

Emma started fussing again at that moment, prompting Marinette to grab a diaper from the bag and change her while Adrian observed in awe. After soothing little Emma back to sleep in new clothes suitable for Parisian weather, Marinette called out for Blake once more but received no response as he was engrossed in his tasks.

Adrian couldn't help but be amazed at how Mari handled everything with ease, and he found himself feeling a mix of admiration and jealousy. He watched as Marinette effortlessly took care of Emma's needs, her maternal instincts shining through.

As the day progressed, Adrian had more opportunities to observe Marinette's interactions with Emma. He witnessed her dedication, patience, and unwavering love for their daughter. It was in these moments that Adrian realized just how lucky he was to have Marinette as the mother of his child.

Meanwhile, as Adrian watched over Emma, Blake shared stories about their family's beliefs regarding pregnancy outside of marriage. Their grandparents held traditional views that deemed an unwed pregnant woman as cursed. Despite this cultural belief, Marinette defied convention and embraced her journey into motherhood with grace.

Later that day, Adrian decided to drive Blake to the bakery owned by Marinette's parents. As they sat in the car together, Blake noticed a box filled with letters that Adrian had received from Mari before she left for China.

"You should read those letters," Blake suggested. "There might be something important in them."

Adrian nodded in agreement but saved them for later when they arrived back at Marinette's place. Knocking on the door and being greeted by a tired yet content Marinette holding Emma close to her chest made him realize just how much he missed being around them.

As they entered the house together, it felt like they were finally coming home - not only to Paris but also to each other. The love between them grew stronger with every passing moment as they navigated this new chapter of their lives together.

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