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"Good morning liberty high, today is a lovely day. We hope you enjoy it. Remember any problems? Contact the school's counselor. Have a good day."

"I'm so tired of this bullshit." I groan.

"Woah Moore watch your mouth." Bryce smirks walking pass us with his click.

"How about you watch yourself." I clench my fists. Monty pops over Bryce's shoulder and pats his shoulder.

"Let her be dude." Bryce looks over his shoulder and slowly nods. Bryce walks away but Monty stays there.

"What?" I glare at him. He looks me in my eyes. Searching for something; but I remain the same cold stare I had for the last couple weeks.

"Yo Monty lets go." Zach chirps from the group. Monty looks at me one last time before turning away and walking towards the group. I see clay walking towards his locker. Why not give him company.

"Hey!" I say giving him my biggest smile.

"Wow haven't seen one of those in a while" he laughs. I punch his shoulder playfully. He puts in combination and opens it. We both notice a Polaroid fall out. I pick it up.

"What's this?" I hand clay the Polaroid.

"I don't know." He examines it.

"Hey, I'll see you later."clay stutters closing his locker and walking away. Still looking at the Polaroid. I turn around to walk in the other direction but I bump into someone.

"Oh shit my bad, I'm sorry." I mentally smack myself.

"It's fine Olivia." Tyler smiles.

"I should've been paying attention." I chuckle.

"Hey how's your pictures going?" I smile. His smile drops for two seconds.

"They're fine." He weakly smiles.

"Hey are you okay?" I ask. I know I'm being a hypocrite. Telling everyone stop asking if I'm okay.

"If you need help with anything. You know I'm here right?" I smile.

"I-I- I think Monty is messing with me." He blurts out.

"What do you mean?" I raise an eyebrow.

"I went into my red room and someone had written all over my pictures. And the picture of you is gone." He sighs.

"What makes you think it was Monty?" I say.

"Because he threatened me not to take anymore pictures of you." He puts his head down.

"What! When was this?!" I panic.

"It doesn't matter. I shouldn't even have told you." Tyler says walking away. I watch him walk away.

"What the fuck." I groan. How long can I keep it up.

"Hey Liv I have a question." Clay starts. With Tony by his side.

"The jocks has this place called the clubhouse right?" Clay asks.


"You know about it!?" He whisper yells.

"Yeah. I was in it many times. I use to date Monty." I make a 'duh' face.

"Where is it?"

"Uhh I Don't remember. I haven't been there in a while." I say trying to think my hardest.

"How do you remember it, but not know where is it?" Clay face palms himself.

"It's been a while." I repeat myself. Clay groans and starts talking to tony. The bells rings and I start walking outside. I decided to stay after school with Alex. We're gonna wait for Jess. So we watch her practice. I walk to the bleachers and sit down. I immediately see the Monty on the field. What do I need to take to forget about him.

"Isn't it lovely being all alone." Alex smiles sitting next to me.

"Truly is."

"Hey..you haven't told me why you and Monty aren't together." He looks at me.

"I don't wanna talk about it. He ended things with me." I shrug my shoulders.

"Do you know why?" Alex looks at me.

"No." I sigh looking down.

"But it doesn't matter. I'm done with him." I look up at the field.

"You should talk to him." Alex suggested. I look at him.

"Why? I already did. Last night." I sigh thinking about what happened.

"Did he tell you everything?"

"What do you mean?" I look at him.

"Talk to him."

"Why are you doing this? I thought you hated Monty." I say.

"I don't hate him...yes I do but still. You're my friend. And I want you to be happy. Even if it's with a person i hate." He shrugs his shoulder.

"Let me see your phone." Alex says holding out his hand. I sigh taking it out of my pocket and handing it to him.

"What are you doing?" I look at the phone.

Meet me after school outside in front of the school

"Really?" I look at him.

"You'll thank me later. Now. Are you going to help me get my memories or what?" He smiles at me.

"You make it sound like something is wrong with you." I chuckle.

"Something is wrong with me. I'm crippled." He laughs. I laugh too. We both look on the field and see Monty staring at us from the field.

"Maybe you shouldn't have texted him." My smile drops.

"Liv. Trust me. You're going to be fine." He throws his arm around my shoulder.

"I don't know where I would be without you Alex." I weakly smile. It's been a good 30 minutes. The cheerleaders and baseball team when to go change.

Okay, I'm in front of the school now.
Read at 4:23 pm

"Hey I'll catch with you later. I'm going to meet Monty in front of the school. Tell Jess I said hey." I say standing up.


[1] the truth's out - Montgomery De La CruzWhere stories live. Discover now