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Yoongi groaned as someone knocking on the apartment door cut him off in the middle of his book. As the knocking sounded again, he finally got up and shuffled to the door. When he opened the door, his face changed so quickly his glasses dropped a bit on his nose.

Jimin fell into his arms, sobbing. Yoongi instinctively held him, lowering the two of them to the floor under Jimin's weight. Jimin was gasping for air into his shirt.

Yoongi looked up at the door and saw where blood from Jimin's knuckles had smeared. He looked down at the younger and saw blood covering the side of his face and most of his clothes. Yoongi held Jimin up a bit, getting a better glimpse of his face. Jimin stopped sobbing so hard and closed his eyes, his expression showing he wasn't mentally with himself, like he was in shock.

Yoongi could barely breathe as Jimin somehow looked worse than when he had gotten hit by the car. Blood ran freely down his face from a large gash on his forehead. His lip was split in multiple places, almost like he had bitten it violently. One of his eyes had a dark bruise and looked like it was on the verge of swelling. There were bloody marks all over Jimin's neck that made Yoongi's stomach sink. He held onto the younger again, trying to comfort him. Jimin's warm tears spilled onto his shirt as he rocked the younger in his arms.


Yoongi picked Jimin up gently, carrying him over to the couch. He set the younger down and placed a pillow under his head, brushing away his bloody bangs to kiss his forehead. Yoongi got a few washcloths and ran them under warm water.

Yoongi kneeled next to the couch and carefully dabbed at Jimin's face. Jimin was staring at some spot on the ceiling, tears dripping down the sides of his face silently. Yoongi kissed them away when he could.

Once the blood on his face was gone, except for when the cuts bled more, Yoongi moved to his clothes. He started unbuttoning Jimin's shirt, only for Jimin to gasp and shake his head, pushing his hands away with tightly scrunched eyes.

Yoongi tried not to let his voice crack as he held Jimin's face in his hands and whispered to him, "Jiminie. It's okay, baby. It's just me. It's Yoongi. It's just Yoongi hyung." He shut his own eyes tightly, keeping the tears at bay.

Jimin visibly relaxed into his hold and Yoongi took that as his cue to get back to work. He slowly unbuttoned Jimin's shirt to find slash marks down his beautiful chest, crescent marks on his sides from someone's nails. Yoongi's heart clenched and he finally let himself cry, placing his head on Jimin's abdomen and letting out quiet sobs.

Yoongi sat back up and breathed shakily. He picked up another washcloth and dabbed around the slashes on Jimin's chest, trying to effectively clean them. Jimin kept squirming and whimpering from the pain. Yoongi shushed him and played with Jimin's hair with one hand as he worked.

Yoongi didn't want to. He didn't want to unbutton Jimin's jeans. He didn't. He looked up at Jimin, who was looking down at him, fear evident in his gorgeous eyes. Yoongi's own eyes flooded with tears. Jimin shook his head, his brows furrowing. Yoongi just took a deep breath and undid the button and zipper.

"Y-Yoongi, don't—" Jimin tried, his voice scratchy. He didn't even bother with honorifics. Yoongi couldn't bring it in himself to mind.

Yoongi gave him a sympathetic look before he pulled down Jimin's jeans to his knees. He instinctively reached out and grabbed Jimin's hand, Jimin squeezing his fingers in response. Yoongi took in the sight of his thighs that were covered with splotches of red and purple. Blood was smeared on some of them. Yoongi's breathing quickened.

Jimin pulled Yoongi away from his thighs and up to his face, reaching up and brushing his hand across Yoongi's cheek. Yoongi leaned into his palm and sobbed.

"Jiminie, who... What?" Yoongi asked. He looked at his boyfriend underneath him.

Jimin stayed quiet and brought Yoongi down to kiss him. Something about the action felt final.


Yoongi tried to call the police. Jimin glared him down until Yoongi put the phone away and returned to his side.

Yoongi tried to see if there were more injuries. Jimin just stayed still and ignored him, avoiding his scared eyes.

Yoongi tried to ask what happened. Jimin stayed quiet.

Yoongi gave up and fell onto the carpet, crying into his hands. Jimin just stayed on the couch and looked away as he tried not to cry himself.


He didn't know how long he had been crying, but when he looked up at Jimin, Jimin was in tears as well, but was looking away from him. Yoongi made himself get up and go to Jimin again.

Jimin refused to look at him. Yoongi held his face in his hands, bringing his head to face him. Jimin shut his eyes.

"Jimin, please. Please, please. Let me call someone. Let me just—"

Jimin shook his head.

"B-But I don't know what to do," Yoongi said through his tears, his voice cracking into a higher pitch. "I want to help and I don't know what to do."

Jimin finally looked at him. His usually beautiful, radiant, happy eyes were full of guilt and fear. Yoongi gripped his shoulders as he laid his head on the younger's chest and cried quietly, shaking.

"Why won't you tell me what happened?" Yoongi asked with a soft sniffle.

Jimin looked at him sadly and shook his head a bit. Yoongi's heart broke.

"I don't understand... I don't understand why you won't just tell me... Jiminie baby, let me help you."

Jimin sighed and looked away, pain still evident on his face. Yoongi wished he had called the ambulance. Jimin surely needed stitches in multiple places.

Yoongi leaned down to kiss Jimin again, but Jimin turned away. Yoongi could have thrown himself out of a fucking window. Yoongi brushed his fingers through Jimin's hair.


Jimin's lip quivered and he shut his eyes tightly.

"Please..." Yoongi tried again, his voice shaking. He couldn't bear seeing Jimin in so much pain. "I-I love you."

Jimin's face scrunched up as he sobbed. His body shook heavily. Yoongi hugged him softly. Jimin tucked his head into Yoongi's neck and let himself cry.

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