Although, he doubted that very much.

'Might as well greet them.' Itachi peeked over the bush and studied the boys. One was that Madara boy from the battle a few months ago, the other was unknown to Itachi but looked very familiar. 'Madara and a brown haired boy by a river... river, river, river- the Shodaime!'

Itachi sighed, shoving the eye patch that covered his Sharingan eye to cover his Byakugan eye, his Sharingan slowly disapearing into a regular Uchiha eye. Itachi prepared himself as he allowed his chakra to naturally return to it's regular state.

He gently stood up as the two boys whipped around to look at him. Madara seemed to realise who Itachi was and dropped into an offencive stance.

"Good morning." Itachi greeted with a smile, which the Shodaime returned ten fold.

"Hello, pretty girl!" The Shodaime greeted back. Itachi saw that his hand was itching towards a pouch hidden under his shirt and chuckled. "What's so funny?"

"You think that I am going to attack you," Itachi mused before pausing. "Pretty girl...?"

Madara's eyes widened rapidly as the Shodaime nodded rapidly. "Yeah, you're really pretty!"

"I am sorry to tell you, but--" Itachi was cut off by a major chakra wave from behind him.

He turned around slightly before sighing. "It seems that Rīdā-Sama found out I disapeared."

"Hey, pretty girl--" Itachi scowled slightly. "--Wanna meet up here again?" The Shodaime asked as Madara began to protest. "My name is Hashirama."

"My name is..." Itachi trailed off, judging which name to use. His given name or his prefered name.

"I am Madara." Madara called out, his face slightly flushed.

"Itachi. My name is Itachi."


"Okaa-San, I was mistaken for a girl." Itachi whined quietly into Yowai's shoulder. His mother was rapidly closing in on her due date and it was worrying Itachi.

Yowai giggled and brushed her hand through Itachi's hair. "Well, you are more beautiful than any girl your age."

"Okaa-San!" Itachi gaped as his mother giggled rapidly, her hand on her mouth. "Such betrayal..."

Itachi did not know why he was being so playful, as it was not in his nature. Although, if he remembered correctly, he was very, very playful when Mikoto--his true mother-- was pregnant with Sasuke.

Yowai was about to say something when she suddenly gasped, clutching her stomach. Itachi froze before jumping into action, racing out the door.

'Is she going into labour? Stomach pains? Oh God, what if she actually has a tumour instead of babies!?' Itachi asked himself as he burst into the clan head's personal medical tent, snatching the lead medic.

Hīrā gaped as he was carried off by Itachi, forced infront of a whimpering Yowai with the demand of 'Help her!'.


Itachi paced back and forth outside his family tent, Otto merely meters away. Otto held his head in his hands. "What if that wench loses my children...?"

Itachi stopped and turned slowly to glare at his biological father with such hatred that the Kyuubi would be surrendering it's title. "What... if my... mother... lost your children...? Do you not care for her...?"

Otto scoffed.

"She was merely a play toy for me before Rīdā-Sama forced me to marry her." He annouced, looking at the tent flaps in impatience.

Itachi felt his chakra boil, his jaw clenching.

"Honestly, I would have just fucked her and left."

Itachi felt his entire world shift as he clenched Otto's throat with his hands, throttling the imbical that dared insult such an amazing woman. "Go to Hell! You fool of a took, go throw yourself off a cliff to rid us of your stupidity!"

Many Hyuuga began to crowd around the inraged Itachi and his victem.

"I hope you rot right next to Obito and Zetsu, you incompetent fool unworthy of even the Devil's torture! You ignorant swine!"

Yowai gently stumbled out from her tent, clutching two small bundles to her chest as she watched her eldest throttle her husband. "And that there is your brother and father, my little kings..."

"Crawl back inside your whore of a mother and only return when you mature into a proper human being! No offence, Obaa-Sama, I am just enraged!" The old bat of a woman lifted a shaky thumbs up to Itachi.

"If I wanted to die then I would have to jump off your ego and onto your IQ!"

"Alright, Sakana-Kun, I think Otto-San has had enough..." Rīdā said as he gently took Itachi's hands off the blue Otto, who might had actually passed.

"I hope that body rots in Hell next to Kaguya!" Itachi roared one last time as he was dragged away by a few shinobi.

"Where does that boy get such names...?" Yowai asked herself. Rīdā walked over to her.

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