The Hambone king pt.2

Start from the beginning

"My parents have gone away for business. And Jayson is out with his friends. He looked after him earlier. So it's my turn now. And I can't leave him home alone." I explain.

"Cool. So do you guys want any food or drink?" Tori asked as she pored herself a glass of water.

"Nah I'm good. What about you Harry?"

"Can I have some crisps please." He asked politely.

"Sure buddy. Do you want to pick what type and flavour?" She asked as she placed a big box on the kitchen island, which I only assume is filled with Crisps.

Harry let go of my hand as he walked over to the kitchen island, he looked in the box and grabbed out a salt and vinegar lays.

"Thank you." He smiled as he walked back to me.

"Go sit down and eat them. You can come back here once you finished them." I say.

"Yes jadey." He said as he sat on the red couch.

"Jadey I feel really bad about what happened to Robbie." Cat sniffled.

"Yeh well we can't help what happened." I said.

"So when are Andre and Beck gonna get here?" Cat asked as she sat next to Harry and fiddled with her hair.

"They should be here in a minute." Tori responded from the kitchen as she made herself a sandwich.

"Is he sleeping?" I ask as I look down at Robbie.

"Yes. Took him a while to fall asleep but he's asleep. He was cold too." Tori sighed.

"Ugh. How did you find him? Last I saw of you, you were in the restaurant with a plate to your face." I smile.

"I was hiding from someone." Tori replied.

"Was it from the chubby guy who gives people tornadoes?" Cat asked.

"Who?" Tori asked.

"He was with Jarold." Cat smiled.

"No, no... no I don't know him. I wouldn't be hiding from a stranger." Tori nervously said.

"Tori?" Robbie asked from the couch in front of me.

He rubbed his eyes and looked up.

"Wow! Hi jade." Robbie said obviously startled from my appearance.

"Yes rob?" Tori asked.

"What's the time?" Robbie asked.

Tori pulled her blue pear phone out of her pocket switching it on.

"7:15 pm." Tori said as she put her phone away.

Cat stood up from the couch and walked into the kitchen, and began two dancing.

*nock nock nock*

Harry jumped out his seat, he ran to cat and gave his empty crisp packet to her, and sprinted to my side holding my hand tightly and flinch his arm around my waist.

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