It's been a while!

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The bus pulled up outside the hotel and Rory shuffled through the lobby with the rest of the writers. Once she reached her hotel room her hands began to shake and she thought meeting Jess was a terrible idea.
Suddenly she got a text from Jess himself.

Jess: Hey, just wondering if you've arrived and what hotel are you at? We could meet there because it might be near one of my special stops x

Rory: Just arrived, I'm at Warwick Hotel, Rittenhouse Square x

Jess: Perfect, hope you're ready for some exploring ;) x

Rory: Intriguing, you have me hooked! x

Jess: You should be! x

Rory: Can't wait! x

Rory got that same nervous feeling as she had on the bus, still unsure if it was good or bad. Half an hour passed and Rory heard a knock on her door. She grabbed her purse and ran but stopped in her tracks. She took a deep breath and turned the handle.

'Hey stranger' Jess muttered.
'Hey, it's been a while!' Rory grinned.
'It's so good to see you. I've missed you' He announced.
'I've missed you too!' Rory replied.
She grabbed his hand and they ran down the hallway and through the lobby.

He led her through an alley way into a small jazz club. They sat down at a small table in the back and took a minute to breath.
'This is amazing Jess!' She laughed, never did she think he'd like something like this.
'What's so funny?' He questioned, giggling also.
'I didn't think you liked jazz music' Rory stated.
'It's not the music I come for' He whispered, leaning closer to her.
'Elaborate' Rory announced.
'Follow me' He explained.

He ran to the back of the club through the door next to the bathroom. At the end of the hall were 3 doors. Each had a label above. Library, Music Store and Movie Theatre. Rory's eyes obviously drifted towards the library. Jess knew she'd want to go forward so opened the door and led her inside.

Rory felt like she had died and gone to heaven. Her eyes lit up as she looked around the walls. Every nook and cranny was filled with books. Dickens, Hemingway, Orwell and every single writer she loved.
'Jess...this is...amazing!' Rory spoke gasping for air.
'I'm glad you like it' He answered.

''s Logan?' Jess questioned as they began to cruise the shelves.
'Oh. Well...he proposed' She replied.
'Without a ring, very modern' Jess exclaimed picking up a Christie novel and flicking through it.
'He did propose with a ring. A very big one at that. I' She mumbled.
'No?' Jess questioned.
'It wasn't the right time. He's moving to   California and wanted me to come. I just got this job and it was such a great opportunity. I couldn't leave it.' Rory admitted.
'You still together then?' He asked.
'No. He gave me an ultimatum. Yes and I go with him to California. No and we break up. I couldn't marry him just to stay together' Rory professed, a tear escaping her eye.
'I'm sorry' He comforted, holding her hand in his.
Their eyes met and lips melted together. It didn't real feel as special as she thought it would but it didn't stop her. Rory kept kissing him and then grabbed his hand. They ran back to Rory's hotel room and the rest was history.

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