Chapter Two || Girl Talk

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Lance was sitting on the grass as Pidge sat in front of him, her head buried into her computer. Hunk was just sitting down, his face stuffed with cookies, Lance's mother had made.

"I mean she was gorgeous..! She was wearing these
clothes that looked so pretty on her..And her name is [Name] I pretty is that..!" Lance found himself rambling to his friends about the beautiful girl he had seen the day before.

"Sounds like a real catch.." Hunk said with an enthusiastic thumbs up.

"She's not interested in you." Pidge added as she pushed her glasses and let out a laugh. "If she's as great as you say she is, you can have my word, she will not be interested in you." Both of the boy's eyes only widened at this.

"That's where you're wrong..!! She wrote a caption about me saying how nice and cute I was!! Explain that!!"

"Nice and..cute. It doesn't specifically say, i saw this guy that i wanted to marry right away, and does she mention your name, Lance..?" She sure knew how to make Lance overthink.

"I'm sure she's interested in Lance..I mean how many guys could she see? Nice and cute is a great start to a great relationship..!" Hunk's words motivated the worried boy in a way.

His jaw dropped as he noticed the one and only girl he was talking about pass by and sit down on her on one of the benches. Your head was buried in a book so noticing the excited boy was merely impossible.

"Shit..! That's her...!" he hid behind Hunk and widened his eyes. You looked so had on this yellow shirt and some light ripped jeans. Only, your hair was let go. Not in a messy bun as he saw it the other day. Let's just say Lance practically drooled.

"Yeesh..! She's so pretty..!!" Hunk said as his eyes widened as well. You averted your eyes away from
your book to look at the people in front of you who were talking pretty loudly, you looked back into your book not noticing Lance or anyone you recognize.

"We have to leave, pronto!!" Lance said as he started fussing with his hair.

"No way! You're talking to the girl!!" Hunk said as he moved out of the way, making Lance now visible.

Your head, still buried in the book could feel a pair of eyes boring you down but you shook it off and kept reading.

"You both are so pitiful.." Pidge said as she put her computer down and got up.

Both of the boys went wide mouthed as the short girl walked over to you.

"Hey! Sorry if I disturbed you..! It's just my friends over there think you should join us..! You seem all lonely here by yourself.." The girl with short hair and glasses said.

You tilted your head and straight off noticed the blue eyed boy you saw the day before. "That sounds lovely..!" You said as you closed your eyes and smiled, your hand waving at them.

The both of you walked over to the flustered boy with a smile. Your book was now in your bag as you sat down scarily close to Lance and set the bag next to you.

'Our shoulders are touching..she's so warm..'

Lance couldn't help but think of a lot of things. Just by slightly feeling you, gave him the curiosity of what it would feel like to have your hand in his, how it would feel like to hug you..and hold you. God what was happening to him..?

"Can you be on planet Earth..?" He heard Pidge say as you let out a quiet giggle.

"Yeah sorry..I spaced out for a second.." he said his cheeks turning a light pink.

"Remember me?" You said with a nervous chuckle.

Are you joking? He couldn't stop thinking about you all night..when he was in bed he just kept repeating your name over and over..Now you're asking if he remembered you? Please..if anything you made him forget about everything else.

"Of course I do!" Lance tripped over his words as he looked at the pretty girl sitting down closely next to him.

"I'm glad i get to meet your friends..!" You said as you smiled at the two.

"I'm Hunk by the way..! Lance you really didn't do her any justice..! She's gorgeous..!" Lance's eyes only widened as he turned crimson red.

You were completely oblivious to the words that were coming out of his mouth. So you looked at Lance in confusion, assuming he knew what it meant.

All you saw was a very red boy with his hand scratching the back of his he hiding something..?

"I'm Pidge. Nice to meet ya!" She said as she looked at you with a welcoming smile before heading back to her computers.

"Well nice to meet both of you..!" The girl just nodded with a smile and Hunk did the same.

"I obviously remember you..!" You poked his nose..let me repeat that. You, the girl he oh so dearly adored, poked his nose.

"Obviously?" He asked his head tilting.

"Well yeah..It's not like I have many friends anyways, you're pretty much the only guy who's ever talked to me." You let out a quiet chuckle as he looked at you with a soft smile.

She remembered me..

"You're pretty cool..It's hardly possible for someone to not find you pretty..i mean pretty cool! That's what i meant.." Lance looked away feeling embarrassed from the comment that had slipped out.

"I have to get to the shop..but here's my number..make sure to text me..!!" You handed him a piece of paper with ten digits in it. He assumed it was your number, Oh what precious cargo. No way he's letting that piece of paper go, you can bet on that.

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