You're A Beautiful Girl, Rebekah

Start from the beginning

They reached the lake, and John gestured for them to join him in what looked like a garage. When Rebekah entered she noticed equipment, and wooden shacks full of what appeared to be boats.

" If everyone would like to grab a helmet and a paddle, then meet me over here, please," John said, walking towards the deck that stood before the lake. Despite his happy and excited tone, Rebekah's grade continued to act contemptuous towards John.

Rebekah kept her eyes on the floor as she waddled towards a box containing aluminous, yellow helmets. She sighed in exhaustion before reaching in to grab one, only to feel skin to skin contact with someone on the top of her hand.

Rebekah flinched for some reason, and looked up in fright to see Ethan stood there, gazing at her with bright green eyes. It was as if she knew it was him- one of them anyway.

But at this moment, Ethan appeared so vulnerable. It was strange; his eyes were glistening melancholy and he blinked several times as if he was taking in her appearance.

Ethan didn't say a word to Rebekah.

She cleared her throat and tore her eyes away, placing a piece of her long, blonde hair behind her ear. She quickly grabbed a helmet and a paddle, and scurried over to where Mr. Gibson stood. He offered her a warm smile and she struggled to return the favour.

Once everyone had got their equipment, John placed his hands on his waist and eyed everyone with that same, Cheshire Cat smile on his small mouth.

" Right everyone, the helmets are pretty basic. Boys, clip the bottom on and then tighten it with the top screw.  Girls tie up your hair and- "

Weirdly, Rebekah didn't let him finish as she jumped right in. " Tie up our hair?" she asked without thinking what she'd said through. It was as if she felt she could say things and she didn't even remind herself of the odd looks she'd receive. Her stable mind seemed to be switched of at all times, no matter how much she told herself to act normal.

She knew she'd gone red the minute everyone began staring at her.

Rebekah Fleetwood would never questioned an adult.

Her behaviour was cryptic, and she caught Mrs Greta taking a peek at her with beady eyes.

The instructor offered her a nervous laugh and looked around him, wondering if anyone else had the same concern, or if the students knew anything about Rebekah's interruption.

" Yes, it's so that your strands don't get caught in the screw. It's a health and safety precaution."

" Can I not just keep my hair down with the helmet on?" You could hear the small piece of irritation in her voice which caught everyone around her by surprise- a few even oo'd.

Rebekah Fleetwood wasn't rude, especially to strangers.

The instructor looked at her with a confused face. The students and teachers were just as perplexed, furrowing their brows as if she'd gone mad.
( I'm not mad, just a little uneasy today, sir)

" I mean, I think it would be best if you-"

" Can she not just keep her hair down, sir?" Mrs Berta asked politely, knowing this was waisting everyone's time. The instructor sighed and just nodded his head, continuing to explain the rest of the procedure. Ethan turned to eye Rebekah and he seen her blank face, her eyes staring down at the floor. He knitted his eyebrows before turning back to listen.

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