Chapter One

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"Annabeth?"Mr.Brunner called to the blonde girl.

She came forward and Mr. Brunner introduced us.

"This young lady nursed you back to health Percy. Annabeth, my dear why don't you check on Percy's bunk? We'll be putting him in cabin eleven for now.

She glanced at the Minotaur horn in my hands then back at me. I imagined she was going to say , you killed a Minotaur! or you're awesome or something like that.

Instead she said " you drool when you sleep."

Then sprinted off with her blonde hair flying behind her.

I remeber that day clearly. The first day I ever met Annabeth. Never did I imagine going out with her that day. I never imagined going on life threatening quests, or meeting so many amazing people. But things happen for a reason.

" Is brother ok?" Tyson Asked his big baby brown eye staring at me.

Tyson looked older than he did when I first met him. He isn't that baby cyclops I uses to stand up for.

I nooded and walkes to my trunk. Tonight Annabeth and I were going out to a fancy resturant. We normally don't go to fancy resturants and just by a pizza. But tonight Annabeth had some important news.

The real reason I think we don't go to fancy resturants is because, I'm a barbian.

I rubbed my hands through my hair messing it up. I usually had a hard time picking out clothes especially for fancy resturants.

Tyson stood over me throwing a
purple shirt and tan cargo pants on top of me. His face smiling down at me.

"Thanks." I Said as I walked into our cabin bathroom.

After changing and fixing my hair again. I felt something in my pants pocket , pulling out a bag full of drachmas.


Annabeth looked gorgeous . She wore a red dress with a silt on the right. I could've stared at her for hours just admiring how she look . In my opion Annabeth looked a thousand times better than aprophdite.

" Percy."Annabeth Said as moved her hand up and down infront my face.

" Sorry it's just you look so gorgeous. Even better than Aprodite." I said looking up at the sky.

Annabeth took a quick glance at the sky then looked at me her face blushing.

"Percy, it's smart to say something about the gods like that " Annabeth Said her face still a bit red.

" I'm just.. trying to say.."

Annabeth cut me off giving me a kiss on the cheek.

" So wise girl ready for dinner." I asked opening the door to the restaurant.

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