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001. six years of regret and free stuff

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THE FOUR OF THEM HAD BEEN FRIENDS FOR A YEAR SO FAR. Ever since Quinn moved from Maine and met Cassia and Ned in art class (who were already friends since seventh grade), Quinn started hanging out with the trio and thus became the tight group of friends they were today.

Cass had been stealing for six years so far. It didn't seem like stealing at first. She was only eleven years old when she "accidentally" took a candy bar while on her way out of the grocery store. Her mother, Katie Vega-Roux, made her take it back once she realized she hadn't bought it, but it was the start of a bad habit.

It was the moment she realized that if she was careful enough, she could take whatever she wanted. She'd never told anyone before. If she told her two moms, she'd definitely get a lecture and get grounded. If she told Peter or Ned, they'd probably lecture her as well. And Quinn, well, xie was never one to keep a secret.

Cass knew that if you can't tell even your closest friends then it's probably something you shouldn't do, but she had already gone in too deep, how could she stop?


Every day after school, Cass went to the library. Not to read, though. She couldn't care less about reading. No, it was the only place she could get some peace and quiet. It's not that anything bad went on at home, it's that her other mother, Raven, was always blasting 80s hard rock or playing electric guitar whenever Katie wasn't there to tell her to stop. You would think after 16 years of dealing with this, she'd get used to it, but she just couldn't.

She and Quinn sat at a table. Quinn read while Cass was doing her geometry homework. She tried understanding it, but it was all greek to her.

"Fuck this, I'm just gonna copy off of Peter," Cass stated loud enough for four people- two parents, one librarian, and one particulary religious lady- to glare at her.

"Peter told me he's not gonna let you copy off of him." Quinn didn't even take xer eyes off of xer book. Cass stared at xer in disbelief.

"Are you joking? What an asshole! I devote my entire life to my lord and saviour Peter Parker and this is the thanks I get?"

"But he did tell me to tell you that he'll tutor you anytime."

"Ha! Tutor me. I don't need a tutor, what I need are some goddamn answers. My life would be so much easier without school." Cass gripped her pencil tightly.

Quinn replied, "You know how you basically have the powers of super seduction cause you're so annoyingly pretty? I really wish you had powers of super shutuption right now, cause I really like this book."

"If you want me to shut up you have to say the magic words," Cass teased.

"If you don't zip it, I swear I'm gonna shove my foot so far up your ass that the hairdresser is gonna be cutting my toenails instead of your hair."

"Ding ding ding!" Cass exclaimed jokingly before pulling out her phone. Seeing a screen void of notifications, she sighed and looked around. Rows and rows of books were laid out around her and yet she didn't want to read a single one unless it was a history book. She could tolerate history since she knew it was a particularly important-yet-interesting subject (and she found it funny that people back then were just as stupid as people now).

"I'm gonna go home early today," Cassia stated. Quinn looked up at her in surprise. "What? Nothing's happening and there's nothing to do."

"Are you kidding?" Quinn asked and motioned to all of the books on the shelves. Cass shrugged her shoulders and picked up her bag, shoving papers and pencil in there.

"I'll see you tomorrow," she said. Quinn did finger guns as a way of saying goodbye and they parted ways. However, Cass wasn't gonna go home. She already had a headache, so she decided she'd pay a visit to the general store.

Going in, she looked for anything appealing while casually glancing up to see where the cameras were. She grabbed a Reeses cup package and went to one of the blind spots of the camera and snuck it in her pocket. Pretending to look around some more, she finally walked out.

What she didn't know was two things: one, a newly-installed alarm was about to go off and two, a certain kid in a red and blue suit was sitting at the top of the next building over, eating a hot dog.

In the split second when the alarm went off, Cass had to make a decision: was she gonna stay and pretend she didn't realize she hadn't paid for it and act innocent and flirty or make a break for it?

Half a second wasn't much to go off of, and her fight or flight instinct kicked in, causing her to run as fast as her feet could take her. If she had known Spider-Man was watching, then yeah, she definitely would have chosen the latter.


I just finished an essay 10 minutes ago that was due 10 minutes ago. I'm not even joking, I turned it in right as it was due. Oh yeah, and also surprise, double update because I finally realized how much I wanted to write this.

 Oh yeah, and also surprise, double update because I finally realized how much I wanted to write this

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OF SPIDERS AND SEDUCTION ✧ P. PARKERWhere stories live. Discover now