The Army is given Imortalty

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Clary pov

"Today I'll give you Imortalty." days master End. "I'll also make you the next generation of gods."

"Nico. will be the god of the underworld death and Night."

Nico pov

A large sparkling light surrounds me. And when it fades i feelt extremely powerful. "Sadie will be the goddess of the moon, marriage, family and Childbirth."

The same thing happened to everyone else.

The domains

Jace- creation and Destruction.

Clary- Love and Beauty.

Annabeth- Wisdom and freewill.

Omega- water,horses, and rainbows.

Carter-  Sun, music, art and poetry.

Alec- war and fighting skills.

Sadie pov

Nico smile at me. He looks hotter than usual. I loved him but with the Imortalty and the army we couldn't see each over.

"And the imortalty dosent change any thing between relationships." says Master End than he leaves.

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