Chap.37 Kaye And Lea

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Auntie:come on guys
Lea&Kaye:JELLY!! °hugs her°
Auntie:Jelly this is Lea Diana's Daughter
Auntie:and this is Kaye Diana's Daughter too
Kaye:hi!! two are so cute ohh...this is my friends Lea and Kaye this is Funneh
Jelly:This is Gold
Gold:Hello girls
Jelly:This is Kyran
Jelly:This is Alec Funneh's Boyfriend
Jelly:and Last but not the Least Draco
My boyfriend
Kaye:you have a boyfriend
Jelly:yup ohhhh.....and find Lexia in my room my Puppy
Auntie:can you babysit them for awhile?
Auntie:Diana will take that two nextweek she is on her flight today
Jelly:okay but if they know I have powers and they ask me to play it what will I do?
Auntie:then play with it okay I have to go
Jelly:okay bye Aunt °kiss her cheek°
-Goes out-
Lea:hey Jelly you have power?
Gold:what will we do today?
Kaye:watch k-drama!!
Funneh:you two are watching k-drama
Lea:yep Mom told us Gong Yoo
Jelly:hey how is Diana doing and what is your father's name
Lea: his name is  Yuan and mom is okay
Jelly:let's go to my room kay
-Lea and Kaye rush to her room-
Jelly:sorry guys I have to take care of them but we can have fun maybe next week okay
Jelly:bye guys
-Jelly goes upstairs-
Alec:so what should we do today?
Gold:It's dark already let's cook dinner
Draco:I will cook
Ky:yeah me and Draco will cook
Funneh:you can Cook?
Funneh:okay well we will be in the living room
-at Jelly and the girls-
Jelly:so you two are fan of BTS?
Kaye:yeah we are a fan
Lea:I like Jin
Kaye:I like JungKook
Jelly:you two are so young and you know Bts
Kaye:well mom always say that to us
Jelly:I remember when I baby sit your mom 7 years ago and know she have a daughter's
then someone came to her room and it was Draco
Draco:hey guys dinner is ready
Kaye: let's go Jelly
-the girls rush down except Jelly-
Draco:let's go
-walks downstairs-
Gold:hey guys
Funneh:well let's eat
Jelly:haha you two are super cute you two look like your mom
Lea:let's eat
-after the dinner I'm to lazy to write-
Jelly:Lea & Kaye take a bath then go to my room okay goodnight
Gold:you are good at babysitting
Jelly:well I babysit their mom long time ago
Draco:I'm sure you will be a good wife you know someday
Ky:yeah he have a point
Jelly:I'm going upstairs bye
-Jelly goes upstairs-
Jelly:girls!!°take a peak on her room and saw the girls sleeping in her bed°
Draco:they are sleeping in your bed huh?
Jelly:yeah where should I sleep ohh...forgot this have so many room I will pick one
Draco:sleep in my room so it would be near to your bedroom
Jelly:kay just today
Draco:well come on let's go
they all sleep and have a goodnight

hey guys shoutout to laughingidiot_for giving me time to talk with her hehe anyways guys hope you like this chapter and it's 12:41am and I'm awake I have to sleep now bye guys luv yah all...

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