Stress Relief ~ Daddy Levi x Mommy Reader

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The sound of loud wailing was something you woke up to on a daily basis now. You groaned as your little girl wouldn't stop yelling slowly turning to face your husband. You stared at Levi's peaceful face for a few seconds, gambling on whether or not you should wake him up. Though in the end you decided not too,after all, the Survey Corps don't need humanity's strongest soldier half awake on the job.

You got up from your bed, careful to make as minimal noise as possible and then slowly walked towards the baby room. The door creaked open to reveal your little girl Alicia wailing at the top of her lungs while she tried to stand up against the cradle she was in. You let out a small sigh before walking towards the cradle to pick up Alicia. You rocked her back and forth in your arms as he cries slowly turned into soft whimpers. Alicia's eyes soon fluttered shut as her breathing became more soft and steady. You smiled at your little girl before you placed her into the cradle and slowly made your way out of the room. You let out another sigh as you stared at the clock in your hallway, it was just a few minutes past three and you were dead tired. Though just as you were about to go back to you and Levi's room the sound of little footsteps stopped you from doing so.

"Mommy?" a sleepy voice called out from a room as you turned around to see where the voice was coming from.

There your now five year old boy stood in little titan pajamas. You could say that he was an exact replica of Levi but his eyes were the only thing that threw you off, it was almost like staring into your own eyes. You quickly snapped out of your thoughts as you approached your son and knelt beside him.

"What's wrong Luke?" you asked as you gently patted his head in a soothing motion.

"I... I'm hungry" he muttered as a soft growl sounded from his stomach.

You giggled as he blushed in embarrassment before opening your arms up to pick him up.

"You want me to carry you downstairs?" you asked for fun to see his expression.

Luke simply pouted and turned to the side without giving you an answer, but his face said it all. Luke was really stubborn, much like his father. Even when he wanted something, he wouldn't admit to it if it somehow affected his pride. You chuckled at his reaction before scooping him up in your arms and walking downstairs. Once you got downstairs you placed him gently on a chair and turned to face the kitchen counter.

"So what do you want to eat Luke?" you asked as you opened the fridge.

"I... I want sandwich!" He yelled as you quickly hushed him, letting out a little giggle.

"Sure, just wait there quietly a few minutes," you said as you pulled out some bread and the rest of the ingredients.

After a few minutes, the sandwich was finally done as you sat beside Luke, watching him munch on it. He was a pretty sloppy eater, you let out a tired laugh as you watched little pieces of bread and lettuce fling across the table.

Levi would not be happy with this... You thought as you watched him gulp down the last bit of food in his mouth. You got a small glass for him and poured in some milk, watching him gulp down that as well. You could already see his eyelids droop down after drinking the milk, and waited a few minutes until he was completely asleep.

"Kids are so weird" you muttered as you carefully picked him up and brought him upstairs again. You placed him in his bed and tucked him in a blanket before giving him a gentle kiss on the forehead. You looked at the clock as it was a few minutes past four now. By the time you cleaned up the mess downstairs, Levi would wake up. You let out another deep sigh knowing you wouldn't get anymore sleep for today before heading downstairs to clean the mess your son made.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2014 ⏰

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Levi x Reader One-Shots [ Shingeki no Kyojin / Attack on Titan Fanfiction ]Where stories live. Discover now