Avenge With Inferno by harlequincross

Start from the beginning

I hissed and ran out of the cave to check the others.

As soon as I laid my eyes on the huge grassy land that we inhabited, I snarled. The coldness brought by the sight of the place killed the warmth of the sun. Blue, red, green, yellow, white, and black huge bodies were crumpled upon the ground. Some of them had shiny swords stuck into their chest. Some had silver arrows pierced all over their bodies. Others had their wings and tails cut.

This couldn’t be happening. If every single one of them were killed, I would be the only one alive. The last one standing.

There were a lot of human bodies scattered all over the place, burnt. The whole place was on fire. Maybe, it was the result of my kind defending themselves from the humans who were trying to kill them.

The burning smell of human flesh and green grasses mixed in my nose. It was a scent I would definitely curse. It was the scent that would remind me of my kin’s extinction.

I flew high above to check the whole place, but all I could see were dead bodies and burnt land. The black smoke hurt my eyes. I landed at my feet.

There was no more sign of life in this place. Even the humans who tried to wipe us out of this world didn’t make it. It became a silent war between them and us. But it was us who won. It was clear. They didn’t kill me. That was a major mistake.

I was the last of us, the last of our kind. I should protect myself no matter what and keep myself safe.

I came back at the cave where my mother’s body was and took her out of it. I went inside again and whipped the cave’s wall with my tail near the opening to make rubble. It would hide me from the foes. I would sleep for a hundred years to gather all my strengths. And this was the perfect place to do it. No one would ever find me here.

I crumpled down the cold ground, wrapped my white leathery wings around my body, and closed my eyes shut.

When I wake up, I swear, revenge is the only option.


I wake up at the sound of my mother’s bellow. But, no! It’s not like before. Not as real and vivid as it was a hundred years ago. It’s a memory. A clear memory.

I stand up and shake my body, waking up myself.

It’s time.

I smash the rubble blocking the cave’s opening with my head. The fragments of rocks fall slowly upon my feet.

The very bright light coming from the sun makes me sightless for a moment. I step out of the cave. Everything in that place is not the way it was when I left it. I left that place burning and full of dead bodies of two different creatures. Now, it’s clean. A few green grasses are there again. But something has changed.

There are humans all around the place and they are all staring at me with wide eyes.

“Is that a dragon?” I hear someone asked, breaking the silence.

“They are not just myths. They exist!” another one shouts with quavering voice.

“Run! It will burn us!”

And then all of them run away from me while screaming. I bet they are just afraid because they don’t have their swords with them. They thought they killed all of us. That’s why they are not afraid to go out without swords anymore. But they’re all wrong.

I am here. And I’m back with vengeance.

I can start with them.

Running after them with big steps, I released a big fire in my mouth slowly from left to right to make sure that none of them will ever survive.

I hear them screaming in pain. They are burning. They will become ashes soon.

Some stupid humans come running to me with wooden swords. I purr at the sight of it. A wooden sword will just burn with my fire. I release fire again straight to their faces and I hear them wail. I even smell their burning flesh.

The place become silent and I purr again because I know, that silence means death.

I spread my wings and fly high. I hear the flapping sound of my wings echoing in the silence. I have grown so fast. I’m as huge as my late mother now.

A hundred years of sleeping makes me feel strong. While flying, I am emitting fire in my mouth, burning the world that was once ours.

It is better to burn down this world than let humans live in it. If they took away our land to us, then I will take away theirs. In that way, we are quits.

I can see small red rolling stones below me. But, no! They are not stones. They are humans. And they have flames all over their bodies. Bringing pain on their skin. Making them turn into ashes. They are rolling against the ground, trying to take away the fire from their bodies. But before they can even do it, I spit out fire at them again.

Their wails won’t stop. And I know, it will never stop until every last one of them is killed. Their cries sound sweet. Their ashes smell good. It’s the sound and the smell of my success.

I land on top of the high mountain we used to call “home”. It’s the highest mountain in the whole world. My kin chose this place to serve as our habitat because it’s the only place we know we would be safe. But I guess no place is safe after all. At least, it’s good to be back at my home land.

I rest on the edge of the high mountain, sighting at the inferno I created a while back. These people that I’ve burnt are the descendants of those who wiped out my kin. They deserve that.

Humans tried to eliminate our kind for a hundred years. But it will just take a little while for me to obliterate them. We are just that powerful. If we only tried to do this kind of thing a hundred years back, our kin will probably saved from the age of extinction. My mother would still be alive. Dragons can live for a thousand years.

All I can see is the huge red flames burn below the high mountain. The sky I can’t see clearly because of the smoke as black as a charcoal that hugs the air around me.

I should be happy at the sight of it. But the memory of my kin makes me realize that this is the kind of thing they wouldn’t want to happen. The world we protected for thousands of years is burned down by one of their kin, by me, out of wrath, in a single moment.

I crumple down the edge of the high mountain. The world I set into an inferno was once loved by me. And it’s not true that it is better to burn down this world than let humans live in it. I don’t care about the humans but I care about this world. But it’s too late now. I have already brought the desolation upon us.

It’s true that no one should ever make a decision when their emotions are heightened. And maybe they are right. Maybe, vengeance is not the answer. It is never an option in the first place.

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