Living Life Without Love

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Can you imagine what life is without love?
Or do you think bein' alone is enough?
Can you live despite the lack of love that you don't have?
Or do you think love gives life to someone is somehow a bluff?

Livin' life without love is a vast void space,
For life without love is nothin' but a waste,
So, let there be love in our life to embrace with grace,
In life, love shall remain and loneliness shall be replace.

It's love that gives life to those who truly believe,
For love we can find true happiness, indeed!
It's the most wonderful gift we ever receive,
For it brings life and blitheness; and can also make someone's heart bleed!

So, let there be love within our hearts,
For life needs love in order to avoid any strife,
It's love that can make someone's life a great start,
Love is life, and if we miss love, we miss life!

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