Red Is The Worst Color, Seriously Why Does It Exsist

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Bakugou Katsuki hated the color red. He despised it. It was everywhere for him, distracting him, making him watch other people be stupid.

Bakugou Katsuki had strings. Red strings, that is. Like, your soulmate string of fate strings. But he was one of the only ones who could see them. Apparently, the only one he knew of that he wasn't related to. He told his father, when he was little, about the strings.

It's a hereditary thing, he learned. His mom could, can, see the strings. His grandfather could, his great grandmother could and so on. He asked his mother what to do about it. "Play matchmaker." was her answer.

Bakugou Katsuki had red strings. Plural. There wasn't one single string that tied you to a person as it says in books. There were multiple. Bakugou Katsuki only had two strings. One, leading to his childhood friend, Midoriya Izuku.

But he hated that kid. Hated him with his entire being. Bakugou tried to not like the boy either, but the green haired boy pushed himself into his life. When Bakugou found out he was quirkless, it was finally an excuse to push the other boy out of his life.

When they had both gotten accepted into U.A, Bakugou saw that Deku's four other strings, yes, Midoriya had five strings, led to a few other people, such as the loud uptight kid with glasses and that half n' half bastard

Todoroki had only two strings though, so Bakugou knew Midoriya and Todoroki would most likely end up together.

Bakugou hated seeing strings, hated the color red, absolutely hated it.

So during the submission test for U.A, when he felt a tug during battle against giant robots, he ignored it, hoping whoever it was didn't get into the school.

Of course though, when Bakugou entered his class that day, feeling the tug of his string, he buried his face into his arms. He hated red, this whole class was full of it though, so many of them had strings, so many possible soulmates.

He hated red. So, that day, when Bakugou felt someone tap on his shoulder, felt the tug on his finger, he refused to look up. He wouldn't look up, he won't--

"Hey! I'm Kirishima Eijirou. You can call me Eijirou though!" the boy said happily. Bakugou looked up and red filled his vision. God, he hated the color so much, yet, here stood his possible soulmate, covered in red. His hair, his eyes, even his fucking shoes, were red. Bakugou glared at the boy, trying to scare him off, but the boy just laughed.

"I don't care, Kirishima . Leave me alone." Bakugou growled out. Kirishima laughed again, sitting next to him and that's when Bakugou saw it, the hand covered in strings of red. A string leading to every student in the classroom.

Every single fucking one. Bakugou glared at Kirishima's hand and the red haired boy quirked an eyebrow, when suddenly realization crossed over his face. "Can you see them?" Kirishima asked, happily. Bakugou looked at him, curiously.

Most people didn't know about red strings, in fact, Bakugou's pretty sure the only ones who knew about it were the ones who could see them. "See what?" Bakugou asked cautiously.

Kirishima smiled brighter, moving his right hand, the one with all the strings. "The strings of fate! Duh!!!" Kirishima said and Bakugou paled. It's not like it was a rule you had to keep it a secret. In fact, he's pretty sure his mom has told all her friends she can see them. So it's not like he couldn't tell Krisihima, in fact Bakugou's never told anyone, not even Deku.

"Yeah, how do you--" "My mom's friend can see them! She likes to boast about how she can connect people together. She said I have a lot." Kirishima's voice got lower on the last sentence as he looked at his hand and Bakugou felt the tug on his finger again.

All I See Is Red And I Fucking Hate ItWhere stories live. Discover now