If any party refuses to comply, the other party has the right to sue and the following items are to be seized and handed over to the next party:

1. The company

2. All houses

3. All cars or vehicles

4. Money in all accounts leaving a meagre sum of a thousand dollars

This contract must not be tampered with in any way or the offending party WILL be sued to court.

Steven Donovan.                                                                                        Felix Pierre."  

I finished reading it and pinched the bridge of my nose. They say the older you get, the wiser you become. I knew my dad. He wouldn't do this to his family so I guessed he must've been very dumb when he was younger. But just how dumb could a person be to even think of a deal like this?

If I do not sign this we lose everything and my brothers don't get to finish their education or even have a chance of living good lives.

If I do sign it, I lose my chance of finding true love.

I was beyond frustrated. I told my PA to cancel all my meetings for the day and I left work without informing "the big boss".

Sheila's apartment wasn't too near but I found myself driving straight there anyways. I needed to vent to someone because not too deep inside, I had already made my choice.

It was times like this that I wished I was a heavy drinker so I could drink my sorrow away but I'd never been able to take more than one glass of wine and that in itself was already too much.

Thirty minutes later, I had told Sheila everything. I finished venting and she gave me ten minutes to cool down before starting.

"First of all, your dad's an asshole." Her comment was funny but if I wanted to laugh, it'd have been at her solemn expression and deadpan tone. "Second, all contracts have loopholes."

"Not this one." I countered, disheartened.

"Oh, trust me. There is. We just have to find it though it will take some time."

"Forget it, Sheila. Neither of us is a lawyer and I don't need false hope right now." It'd be better if I entered this hellish agreement with one mind. Sheila probably saw my feeling of defeat through my expression.

"I know how you can deal with this. Any time you are with him, just picture him as Justin Timberlake." I stared at her feeling my lip muscles twitch. Sheila smiled at me knowingly and we both erupted into fits of laughter.

After our laughter died down she asked, " So, how's he like?"

I shook my head in response.

"You haven't met him?!" She yelled.

"I'm right beside y—"

"What did you say his name was?" Sheila asked, bringing out her phone.

I searched my memory for a name but when nothing came out I just shrugged and said,  "Pierre."

She looked at me, her eyes filled with bewilderment.

"You don't know his first name?" She said, raising an eyebrow.

"I told you, I know nothing about the guy." I scowled irritatedly watching her type away on her phone. "Next you'll be asking me what color his boxers are—"

"Shutupohmygodhe'shot." Okay, she had to stop cutting me off. I looked at Sheila waiting for her to speak like a normal human being. "He's hot. The Pierre guy." She then added looking at me like I was retarded. "SO. FREAKING. HOT."

Dad had called his "friend" and they had agreed to meet on Thursday over dinner which turned out to be today and it was already 4 pm. Just freaking great.

SheiIa said that if I'm going to be forced to marry someone I didn't love, I shouldn't let that pull me under and I agreed. I wasn't going to let this put a shadow over other parts of my life. I was doing this for the future of my brothers and that alone made me willing to accept my fate. I told dad I was leaving work at 3:30 pm today and was on my way to the spa where I had an appointment to get pampered like a newborn.

Three hours later I felt wonderful and ready to face anything. I drove home and got my dress and did my make up. It was very light, just some blush and eyeshadow. I was already late but who cared. I called my driver and told him to take me to Le Restaurant de Fine Cuisine.

When I got there, I told the staff I was there to join Steven Donovan and Felix Pierre, party of four.  I walked to the beginning of the rest of my life.

This is so out of character for me but I'm planning on working on s new project and I need a small favour. Follow my accounts on Instagram @ glimmering_moon_light and agirlhasapen. I would really appreciate it.

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