Dimension 53

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Jöhn entered his 5th Dimension that he feels like; the world is turned into 3D, but his perspective, that really feels like then he is inside a computer graphics style. He was on the forest, like the Dimension 3 and when he came out, its night time, he saw the moon that was shattered, he was confused, and he saw a giant building next to the cliff. He saw a road that leads to the giant building, with a sign on it, and it says "The Beacon, Kingdom of Vale," Jöhn said, "I think this is not Earth."

When he followed the road, and he's arrived Beacon, Jöhn realized, that it was a big school, it said on the welcome board "A school home of the Hunter's and Huntresses." Jöhn said to himself "We're everybody go? I think they go back to sleep because it's night time." Then suddenly, the Dimensional Creatures pop up again, and a new Dark Creatures that only in this Dimension and Jöhn fight them. After he kills the Dimensional Creatures and Dark Creatures, they pop up again, they were so many that Jöhn can't handle them; he said: "You got to be kidding me." But then something happens, a rain of elements, shoot down from the sky that explode the Dimensional Creatures and the Dark Creatures. Then Jöhn saw 4 women landed on their feet, a blonde hair girl said: "Are you, alright little man?" Jöhn said "Little man? I'm 6 feet than you" A red-fade-black hair girl said "Yang watch out!" she looks back at the Dimensional Creatures and ready to attack her and she said "Aah!!" Then, a white girl stabs the Dimensional Creatures that attack Yang and it disappears, and then she said "Ruby, Yang, what are those monsters? I never seen that before," a black hair girl said "I don't know, this is new," Then the Dimensional Creatures going to attack the black girl and the white girl Yang said "Weiss, Blake lookout!" They said "Huh?". Meanwhile, Jöhn evolved his powers, his Sword has turn into a black blade vacuum, then he throws his Dimensional Sword by those creatures (who going to kill Weiss and Blake) to create a Gravitational Force and exploded to the air. Yang said "Wait, that's not dust, who are you? Little man," Jöhn introduces "The names Jöhn, and speaking of this, we have so many companies," and Jöhn and 4 girls are helping to fight. After the fight, the man and the lady arrived at the entranceway of the beacon, the lady said "What's going on here?" Ruby said "Mrs. Goodwitch," Mrs. Goodwitch said "Who are you? Young man," Jöhn nervous "Uhm...my na-" Then the man said "Glynda," Mrs Goodwitch said "Ozpin," Ozpin look Jöhn, that he saw his eyes are different from the other's, Ozpin said "Glynda, take the 4 girls back to their bed," Mrs. Goodwitch said "Okay team RWBY back to your bed," Ruby said "Oh come on, I want to train that night," Yang said "But Ruby, we have training tomorrow very early," Weiss said "Yeah Ruby, you look awful you need a beauty sleep," Ruby said "Hey!!" Blake said "Well it's true, we need to sleep really," Ruby said "Ugh...Fine" and they walk out and Ruby said "icantbelivethatwasveryinstrestingfight," Then that says "What?" Ruby said "Uhm... Nothing," then Ozpin said "You young man," then Jöhn said "Me?" Ozpin said, "Come with me."

Jöhn followed Ozpin to his office on the highest building, by using to get on top. When they arrived, Ozpin seated his desk and then the introduction. Ozpin said "So what is your name, young man?" then Jöhn introduced "My name is Jöhn, Jöhn Bhrams Christogale," Ozpin said "Hello Jöhn, the name Professor Ozpin," Jöhn said "Nice to meet you too, Professor," the Ozpin asked "So where did you come from?" Jöhn said "I came from called Earth," Ozpin said "There is no name Earth in Remnant," Jöhn said "So this is Remnant huh pretty weird world," Ozpin said, "Woah×5 wait a minute where did actually came from?" Then Jöhn explain "Okay, I lived in another Dimension," Ozpin questioned "Dimension?" Then Jöhn explained everything. After the explanation of Dimension, Ozpin said "So curious, so your literary you lived in an another dimension, so that's why your eyes different than the others," Jöhn said "Exactly," then Ozpin said "So your mission is to find the one of the Dimensional Fragments in this world of Remnant, to stop those new monster that we encounter," Jöhn said "I called it Dimension Errors, and also those monsters, what are they?" Ozpin said "Those monsters you been encountered, they were Grimm, similar to yours, they are many variety of Grimm, such as Beowulf, Nevermore, and many more, and also, these guys never stop coming," Jöhn asked "I see; so this place, is for hunters and huntresses?" Ozpin said "Well it is, but you're not a hunter but you are well-skilled weapon like the others, and I think that you must train in this place," Jöhn said "Really?" Ozpin said "Yes, Welcome to Beacon," then Ozpin and Jöhn shake hands with each other. But suddenly, Ozpin and Jöhn heard an argument coming from the elevator then the elevator with a ding. When the elevator opened, Ozpin said "Well it is Qrow and winter never stop talking about-," Qrow said "Hey stop that Headmaster," Jöhn said, "You're the Headmaster?" Ozpin said "Well yeah," Jöhn said "Well that unexpected," Ozpin said "You have to go now," Jöhn said, "Why?" Ozpin said "I have to talk to them privately," Jöhn said "Okay I leave," then Jöhn entered the elevator and go down. Then Winter said "Headmaster of Beacon, who is that man with some different eyes?" Ozpin said "That man name Jöhn Bhrams Christogale," Qrow said "Jaune?" Ozpin said "No Jöhn J-O-H-N," Qrow said "Oh Jöhn, that is a similar name," Winter said, "Where did he come from?" Ozpin said "He's not from our World" Qrow said, "Wait what you meant?" Ozpin "He from another Dimension," winter said, "Tell me more."

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