Chapter 20

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     The next morning, Damian was able to come up with a fib to tell the King of their departure. Something about how he needed to organize a few things where he'd been staying before he could fully return to the clan. Whatever it was, the king had bought it, and Tessa, feeling absolutely awful from her excursion the night before, was happy to return to Echo's care. 

     They departed early that afternoon, wrapped in warm cloaks to brace against the cold winds for their flight back to the ship. No horses this time, not that Tessa was so upset about that. Flying would be much quicker anyways. With the storms that had rolled in over the last few days, the landscape was dusted lightly with snow. As they flew, it fluttered down from the clouds above them, which was a mixture of pleasant, and annoying, freezing to her lashes that had been wet with tears from the wind.

     Even still, she felt much more relaxed on the flight back to the ship, though Damian had taken a complex path to assure they weren't being followed. Damian's arms were steady around her, his cloak open as he held her, tucked firmly against his warm torso. She was glad she wasn't the one flying, with her current state, even if she knew full well how to fly, she doubted she'd get more than a few feet off the ground. It was only the stinging wind and snow against her cheeks that kept her awake.

     After what felt like an eternity, they finally reached the ship. Her entire body ached from the cold, the same chill that had settled deep in her bones last night seemed to be back, and she felt like all her energy had been zapped from her, leaving her likely less than half awake and drowsy to the point where she could hardly tell up from down.

     Damian landed outside the ship, placing her on her feet carefully, having been monitoring her lethargic state throughout the flight. She sagged against him, leaning into him with a level of exhaustion she couldn't remember ever experiencing before. Distantly, she heard him chuckle, and he scooped her back off her feet and into his arms, carrying her up the ramp when the ghosts opened it.

     He carried her inside, setting her gently on his bed, answering the ghosts' many questions as he did so. The ramp closed behind them and warmth flooded the ship as the heater activated. In turn, Damian tugged off her boots, gloves, and gently slid off her cloak before he tucked her into the heavy blankets on the bed and left the room with an affectionate ruffle of her hair.


     When she woke, she felt renewed, though she knew it wasn't all due to her cozy nap. She felt the familiar hum of her light, buzzing with activity. Echo had only just healed her, likely not to wake her from her nap too soon. Perhaps her feelings of comfort had reached him through their bond. Whatever the case, she was grateful for it, and stood easily, letting herself out of the bedroom.

     "Did you sleep well?" Damian asked, looking up as she found her way into the cockpit.

     She nodded, settling herself in the seat beside him. "Now I know it's not just luck, you have the most comfortable beds I have ever slept on." She said, smiling at him.

     He laughed at that, a warm, soothing sound. "I bet it's all the blankets." He said, "I find it's best to pile the bed up with as many blankets as possible, then lower the temperature of the room until you're comfortable."

     "I'll have to try it sometime." She said, leaning back and stretching her arms over her head.

     Outside the front windows, she could see the city walls ahead of them, fast approaching as they descended towards the height of the tower.

     "Wow, I woke up just in time." She mused, "I don't suppose that was Echo's doing?"

     Damian shrugged, "In a way." He said, "Echo started healing you pretty much right after you fell asleep, he just went really slow." He explained, "But I will have to take out your stitches before he heals up your injuries. Preferably not the way they came out the first time." He said, casting her a sidelong glance.

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