Chapter 7

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I fell into a bit of a rhythm the next few weeks, I would go on missions, doing stunningly despite my lack of skill- according to Cayde. On the days I wasn't on missions, I trained with Ikora and Cayde, eventually mastering the double jump, and my super. Cayde had made me skip the Gunslinger class all together and go straight into Bladedancing, which I proved to be good at, after I got a hang of the electricity running through my body. Arc, they called it.

I was still the topic of gossip, though I ran away from it every chance I got. Cayde still demanded to know what I was doing, where I went until finally I snapped, demanding to know why he was hounding me whenever I got back from my trips in the city.

We were walking towards the elevators, Cayde was asking me about who my friends were and why they never came to the Tower- visitors were allowed, after all- when I snapped. I grabbed his arm, yanking him into the nearest elevator, closing the doors and stopping the elevator before whirling on him.

"You ask me these questions whenever I leave and I tell you the exact same thing! I know you aren't here because you want to know where I go or who my friends are so cut the crap and tell me what you want." I snapped at him, my hands balled into fists.

"I don't know what you're-" He started.

"Cayde!" I snapped, "Tell me what you want."

He heaved a sigh, leaning back lazily against the wall of the elevator, watching me for a moment. "People in the Tower think you're a spy for the darkness." He stated blandly.

The words hit me like a slap to the face, so much so that I took a step back. "They what?" I asked, frowning.

"I don't think you're a spy, Tessa. I've been hounding you with questions so I can prove you aren't one." He explained.

"Why would anyone think I was a spy? I mean, have they seen me?" I wondered aloud.

"They haven't, that's why they think you are one." He said, pushing himself off the wall, "Tessa, no one gets as good as you do as fast as you do. You need to get people to trust you. Hang around the Tower more, meet some Guardians, okay?"

"I'm not really a people person. I have three friends, Cayde, three friends. I'm not sure I'll be able to make any more." I said, shaking my head, my gaze downward.

"Just try. If you want I can try to pair you up with someone for a mission. Back when I was young I'd make most of my friends on vanguard missions." Cayde supplied.

"How does that work?" I asked, lifting my head. I'd heard of people doing missions together, but I hadn't realised it was total strangers.

"You go into orbit and send a message to the vanguard and they put you in a matchup where they find someone around your level and they send you on a mission together." Cayde said, pressing the button to start the elevator up again. "The suspicions about you haven't gotten very far. I have enough ears around the place to know that. However, people do know your name, some your face as well." The elevator came to a halt. "Be careful out there." He told me, walking out through the open doors.

That had been three days ago. One day ago, Cayde had pestered me into agreeing to go on a mission with an actual person, though I really didn't want to. I wasn't your average social butterfly. I had three friends, come on, and probably some social anxiety, if past encounters with people had told me anything. Picking up on my protests and anxiety, Cayde had threatened to handcuff me to a talkative guardian he knew, and of course he knew talkative guardians, he knew everyone. I'd rather jump into a pool of sharks than have to be literally chained to social obligations, so, naturally, I agreed to go.

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