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It was finally the day I was waiting for.

Luke was always the last one to fall asleep. So when I heard him snore, I crawled cautiously out of bed. I slipped some pants and a t-shirt on, then fumbled for some shoes.

Making sure to grab a keycard, my wallet and my car keys, I slipped out the room's door.

A smile started to creep on my face. I couldn't contain my excitement. Dear God.

I crept down the hotel hallway, passed the ice machine room, and to the elevator. When I pressed the down button, I assumed no one would actually be in the elevator, but sure enough there was an older gentleman. I was confused as to why there was an old man up and about at two in the morning, but then again there I was.

He waved at me, before moving past me and out of the elevator. I decided to leave it, and stepped through the big metal doors. My pointer finger reached out and poked the lobby floor button. Then my weak little body lurched forward as the lift fell to the floor.

I couldn't believe how skinny and light I had been feeling lately. It scared me a little bit actually. Although, I wasn't letting it bother me thinking it had to do with whatever bug I had. Everything I kept blaming on that 'bug'. I was no doctor, but definitely an idiot.

When the elevator opened back into the lobby, I dashed out the front revolving door, and to my car.

It was going to be great.

Soon I was driving in the darkness to the suburbs of Sydney. My plan was foolproof... sorta. There was also the slight chance I would come out as a total creep. Slight chance.

Then I arrived, parking my car and locking the it behind me. I made my way to the building and took the elevator to the fourth floor.

I took one last deep breath before knocking on the door. It felt like the entire world fell silent. I waited, listened for movement. Then I knocked again.

There it was. Movement. I heard shuffles and then a light flicked on under the door.

So I looked right into the peephole, and smiled brightly.

I heard a laugh on the other side, then the door popped open after a couple lock clicks.

"My God Ashton what are you doing here!?" Lex cried, peeking from behind the door.

"Come on!" I exclaimed, gesturing for her to follow me.

"What are you crazy!?" she hissed.

"No, it's your eighteenth birthday. No come on!" I demanded.

"Um Ashton, I'm only wearing a bra and underwear right now" she told me, not meeting my eyes.

"Well go put something on and let's move!" I laughed. So that explained why she was only showing me her head.

She scoffed and closed the door. The light didn't go out from under the door, so I took that as a good sign. Soon she returned and stepped out into the hallway.

"Okay, the trust I have for you is really testing itself right now" she laughed. I saw she was wearing a sweatpants and a t-shirt.

"Perfect. Let's go!" I said, grabbing her arm. Then I gently led her to the elevator where we went to my car.

She sat in the passenger seat and I watched her as she buckled up.

"Ready for the best night of your life?" I asked her, starting to drive away from the apartments.

"I really have no choice, since I'm being kidnapped!" She giggled lightly.

I smiled to myself.

"That was kind of the point" I said.

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