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(Y/n) POV

Okay (Y/n), you can do this. He's just a normal person. Just talk to him, it'll be alright. Just be confident. "Um hi." I say. Damnit that wasn't confident at all. "Hello." Chuck says in return. "What is it that you need to talk to me about?" I ask confused and slightly scared. "Well I heard you made a deal. These past couple of months have been rough finding out many things about yourself that you might find are overwhelming. I know things about you (Y/n), things that you cannot find out until the future.  All I can say now is Crowley is not your father. I know you seem to think he is because one of my children told you so, but this is not the truth." He says calmly. "Okay this is apparently something that I need to worry about later, so what does this have to do with my contract?" I say. "I can help you get out of it. I just need time." He says. "Well you might wanna hurry it up because they only gave her a year." Dean says. "I am well aware of how much time she has." Chuck says. "What's the plan?" I ask. "Over the next year, you will find out information about yourself that is crucial." Chuck says. "So after you figure these things out I can help you get out of your contract." He says. "Why do I have to find out this stuff first?" I ask. I just want to get out of it. "You will find out soon. (Y/n) keep your faith in me strong like you have over your years of life. That is what has kept you strong." He says. Then he is gone. "Where did he go??!" Dean yells. "I'm not sure, but we need to figure out who my real father is. I think that is why he brought it up in the first place." I say. "If Crowley isn't your dad then why did Cas lie about it?" He asks. "I don't know beats me." I say. Then we head upstairs and go to bed. I was too tired to deal with this right now.



"Wings I need a favor?" Crowley says.
"What now Crowley?" I say bitterly.
"I need you to make (Y/n) believe she is my child so she doesn't not find her true identity." He says.
"And why would I do that?" I say. (Y/n) is my person. I want what's best for her.
"Because she won't be safe knowing who she really is. Neither will the Winchester's or any natural order that we have around here." He says.
"And why does her thinking you are her father make her safer?"  I ask.
"Because when she finds out who she really is and who her father really is, she will be one of the most powerful beings on the planet. She needs to think her life has nothing to do with heaven." He says.
"(Y/n)'s father doesn't even know she exists though." I say.
"And we need to keep it that way. She also needs to make sure he is always the bad guy in her book." Crowley says.
"Michael is not good for her." I say.
"The moment she finds out her grace will be stored." He says.
"I still don't see an issue with that." I say.
"Yeah because having a nephilim running around with the Winchester's is a great idea. People will find her and use her. And don't even mention the angels that she will encounter trying to kill her." Crowley says annoyed.
"So this is what's best for her?" I ask hesitantly.

Next morning

I feel horrible about lying to (Y/n). Now that she has made a deal I think the only way her getting out of it is finding out her true identity.

Dean POV
I'm laying here with (Y/n) and my arm is wrapped around her waist. I can tell she's been awake for a while now, but we continue to just lay here.
"We will find out who this guy is okay?" I say. I can see how clearly pissed off she is. "It doesn't matter who this son of a bitch is. Bobby is my dad no matter what asshole says he's my biological father." She says. "I know." Is all I can say right now. I can't imagine all of this and how she is feeling.

"Dean we need to talk." Cas says after popping into the room.
"Damnit Cas can you at least knock?" I say annoyed. "There is no use for knocking when I can just appear." He says. "Yeah yeah whatever." I say. I get dressed and I walk downstairs and go on the front porch to talk to Cas. "What's this about?" He says. "It's about (Y/n)." He says. "What about her?" "I would like to apologize for lying about Crowley being her father." He says apologetically. "Okay Cas can you at least explain why you did it, because we have some bigger fish to fry here and knowing why you lied is kind of important." I say. "I do not know what the cooking of fish has to do with (Y/n), but I guess I can help." He say confused. "Forget it. Anyways why?" He presses his fingers to my forehead and showed me a flashback of him and Crowley talking? "Michael?!" I say whisper/yelling. "Yes, and when she finds out about him, her grace will be restored as a nephilim." He says. "I don't know how she's going to handle this. How do we tell her? Oh my God my girlfriend is a half angel how in the hell do I tell her that?!" I say. "I wouldn't worry about her being an angel. If I remember correctly you did willingly sleep with one." Cas says. "Obviously Cas, I will love and support her either way, but damn what am I supposed to tell her? 'Hey babe breakfast is great. Your a nephilim'??" "You don't tell her. No one does. She needs to figure it out herself so she can restore her grace." Cas says. "So is she like billions of years old?" I ask. That would be weird. "No she was born on (Your birthday), 1980. Michael made the decision to sleep with her mother whom he grew fond of, but Michael cannot know she exists." He says. "He is going to try to take over our world and she is the only thing that can stop him." He adds. "I don't like using my girlfriend as a freaking weapon against an archangel!" We are both silent. "Is this what God was talking about when he said she needs to find out information of herself in the future so he can get her out of her deal?" I ask. "Yes. If she is a nephilim no demon will even think about trying to take her." I hear the door open slightly and I look behind me to see (Y/n).

"If who is a nephilim?" She says.

Son of a bitch

Sorry guys!! I honestly have no idea what I have done, but I guess it's working out. It feels like it's awful, but I didn't know how else to turn this. 😬😬

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