The Meet Up

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(Y/n) POV
I pull my baby off the highway into another skeevy motel parking lot I get a text from Bobby. "Hey kiddo, be safe I know you have a big week ahead of you. Figure out that FaceTime thing for me so I can see you. I have no idea what the hell to do. I love you." I send a quick text back smiling at my phone telling him how much I love him. I walk into the check in desk and check in.
I open my door to the hotel, "Ahh motel sweet motel. Bar time." I say to myself. I get my stuff settled in and I head to the bar to get a quick drink and then do some research when I come back.
I pull into the bar parking lot and I park my baby. Then I walk into the bar and take a seat. "Bourbon, neat." I tell the bartender. "Coming right up beautiful!" He winks at me. I give him a small smile then when he turns around I roll my eyes. "Here you go, heck of a taste for alcoholic there, pretty hot if you ask me." He flirts. "Why thank you." I say with a hint of sass. "On the house." He says. "Thanks man." I say seeing the disappointment in his face as he turns around and goes to the next customer. When he moves out of the way I see a man and what looks like his brother arguing. "Dude, you haven't talked to a girl in months. Just get over yourself and go say hi!" The taller one says. "Sammy, I'll be okay and plus we have a hunt to focus on." He says sternly but quietly. Wait, did he just say, a hunt?! "Yes, but you might as well get her number or something. She actually kind of looks hunter-y anyways!" The one I'm guessing who's name is Sammy says. "Okay fine fine." The shorter one says. "Nice choice of drink." He says scooting over to me. "Thanks, real girls can handle their alcohol." I say earning a chuckle from this attractive man. "Names Dean." He says confidently. "(Y/n)," I say with little annoyance to make him more interested. "Well it's nice to meet you (Y/n) what brings you here might I ask?" He says. "Uh I guess you could say work." I say hiding the suspicion. "Yeah me too, me and my brother Sam over there travel a lot." He says. "Yeah I feel you, I'm always on the road just me and my baby." I say by routine. "Wait, you have a kid? You look way to young for that and even way to beautiful." He says with a hint of curiosity. I chuckle " Haha no that's what I call me car." I say laughing. "Really?! Me too!!" He says excitingly. I laugh "well I'll have to see yours sometime." " Yeah maybe soon?" He says more like a question than a statement. "Yeah, totally." I say. I signal the bar tender to get me another and he does so. "Wow you really can handle your alcohol!" Dean says with a hint of astonishment in his voice. "Years of practice." I say. I finish off my drink and I turn to leave but I get trapped by seeing these beautiful, emerald green eyes. "Can I get your number?" He asks. "Yeah sure here." I say grabbing his phone putting my name in.
"I gotta run, I have some re— uh work to do. Thanks" I say before I get out of the seat and finish my drink. I feel his eyes on me as he follows me out of the bar.
I open the bar door and I see the most beautiful think I have ever seen, next to Dean's eyes. I lay my eyes on the beautiful 1967 Chevy impala. "Oh my God." I say under my breathe. "You like it?" I hear Dean ask over my shoulder. "She's beautiful, 1967 right?" I ask in amazement. "You like cars?" He chuckles. "That's an understatement." I say.
As I ramble on shocking Dean with everything I know about this car, "You wanna see my baby?" I ask longingly. "Hell yea I do!" He says with excitement.
I walk him over to my car and he was just as amazed as I was. I can't believe how amazing the man is. This is going to be a long hunt.

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