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(Y/n) POV

I wake up tied to a chair in what looks like an old, nasty, basement. I look around trying to see things and I see David across the room. Sharpening a knife. He walks over to me. "Well it's nice to finally see you again (Y/n) nice gun by the way. Didn't know you even knew what one of those play toys was." He says. "You don't know a damn thing about me you douche." I spit. "You wanna test me? Maybe you're the one who doesn't know about me?"He says flashing his eyes black. I can play this one of two ways. I can play smart and know what I'm talking about. Or play dumb and act like I don't know what demons are. Considering he is one he probably knows me. Let's play smart.
"So you're a demon?" I say rolling my eyes. "Sure am sweetheart." He says.

He walks over to a table and picks up a weird curved blade. "This is going to hurt." He says. He takes the blade and cuts the top of my leg with is blood rolling down. I let out a hiss but not giving him the satisfaction of me screaming. He punches me in the face along my bottom left jaw. "I'm going to kill you." I say. "Awe sweetie, many have tried. None have succeeded. Now I have to go upstairs I will be back later to check on you. It's just me and you baby. No distractions to save you this time." He says with a wink and walks upstairs. Thanks for the pointer dickhead.

Well now that I know it's just me and him I can set up a plan. He was stupid enough not to take any of my weapons off of me except my gun so I still have the demon blade and the pocket knife in my sleeve. I pull it out and start sawing on the rope.

Dean POV

I walk inside the house, but I don't see (Y/n) cooking like she said she was. That's weird. Oh well. "Hey Dean have you seen (Y/n) after you went out to the garage? Is she still out there?" Bobby asks me. "Wait she didn't come inside?" I say. "No she's been gone for almost 2 hours." He says. "Damnit." I say running up the stairs to check and see if she is is there. Nope. I run downstairs and check every room. She isn't there either. Finally I run outside and I walk over to her car. On the hood of her car I spot something weird. It looks like a pile of dust, but she loves her cars as much as I love mine so there's no way she would let dust on her car. I walk over and put my finger in it and smell it. Sulfur. I run into the house and I yell. "Bobby, Sam we need to leave. (Y/n)'s been taken by demons. Cas you better get your feathery ass down here." I say. We go into Bobby's library and we started talking about who It could have been. "What are you doing?" I hear Cas say from behind. "Cas where is (Y/n)?" I ask. "She is about 10 miles away in an abandoned house." He says. "Lets go." I say.

(Y/n) POV

Cas you better get those fallen feathered wings down here or I will never help you ever again I think. I finally break the rope and I untie my feet. Grabbing the demon knife out of my boot I slowly walk to the door. Not only was David a liar but there are two other demons here. One of them walks Into check on me along with the other. They both see me and one grabbed me from behind. But I lift up my feet and kick the other one in the face. He falls down and charges after me but right before he hits me I slam my head into the one who is holding me nose. He drops me trying to get it his nose and the other guy accidentally punched him. I stab him in the back with the knife then I stab the other one. Hopefully that's all of them. I walk up the stairs and I see David on his phone. Then I see Sam, Dean, Bobby, Jennifer and Cas barge in and kick his ass. I run up the stairs. "Dean hold him!" I yell. Dean grabs David's arms and hold him back while I walk up to him and I stab him in his chest.

This entire time I haven't realized I had a giant gash on my leg bleeding by the second. I guess I lost too much blood because the only thing I see is the floor appearing closer and closer.


I wake up in my bed. Dean is sitting asleep in my chair across the room. I walk downstairs feeling golden. I let dean sleep because I can tell he hasn't gotten much of it.

All of the boys are asleep except for Cas of course. "Are you feeling better?" He asks. "Yeah I feel great. Thanks for your angel juice power up." I say. "I do not understand what that is but you're welcome." He says. "What time is it?" I ask him. "I believe it's 9 am." He says. "Can you run to the store and get me eggs, bacon, potatoes, bread, pancake mix, chocolate chips, and milk?" I ask. "Of course." He says and within a blink of an eye it's all there on the table. "I'll see you later (Y/n) be safe. And always if you need anything just pray." Cas says. "Bye Cas." I say. I know that the boys like a little bit a sweetness for their breakfast. Except Sam. I'll make him a hardier breakfast. I make Bobby and Dean both 2 chocolate chip pancakes, 4 pieces of bacon, 2 eggs, and hash browns. Those two can eat more than anyone I've ever seen. I put orange juice in cups for them and then I make Sam 3 eggs, 3 pieces of bacon, and some healthy potato breakfast thing my cousin used to force me to eat. It tasted good I just don't eat that healthy. I only knew how to cook this good because Bobby still had all of Karen's old cookbooks and I wanted Ally to have an actual normal kids life experience.

I set up the kitchen table when I'm done making the boys breakfast. I start making me and Jen couple pieces of bacon and 2 chocolate chip pancakes and I feel arms wrap around my waste. "Hey." Dean says burying his head in the crook of my neck. "Hey."I say sweetly. "Why didn't you wake us up? You didn't have to do all this." He says sympathetically. "No it's okay I used to have to cook for Bobby and my sister. Here your foods right there." I say pointing to the spot. Bobby, Sam, and Jen walk down. "Wow (Y/n) this looks amazing. Thanks for not making me unhealthy crap." Sam says. I just laugh in return. "Good morning sweetheart. Thank you for breakfast." Bobby says giving me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks (Y/n) looks amazing! I forgot how good of a cook you are!" Jennifer says. "No problem." I tell them. They all sit down and start eating. I cut open into my pancake and start eating. I love my food I really do. The boys do the same and Dean looks up at me with bacon hanging out of his mouth and eyes wide open. "I think I'm in love." He says and we all laugh. "Yeah (Y/n) this is amazing. I haven't had a real home cooked breakfast in, well ever." Sam says laughing. "You guys think this is good. Just wait till dinner tonight. Oh and especially her pie." Bobby says. Dean's eyes shoot up. "Pie?" He asks. I assume he loves pie based on his reaction. "Yeah when I was younger. I went out training and I found like 2 blueberry bushes, an apple tree, a cherry tree, and a blackberry bush. I would bake all the time. I just finally got good at it." I say laughing. "Marry me." Dean says. We all laugh because you can tell how sarcastically serious he is. "Just wait till you try my burgers." I say sending him a wink.

2 hours later

"Hey guys I think I found us a case. It's in St. Petersburg, Florida. Looks like a salt and burn. And maybe we can go to the beach after?" Dean says. "I'm game." I say. "Eh you two can go I'm not really a beach person." "Yeah I'm not going to be a third wheel so y'all go on ahead." Sam says. "Alright Florida here we come." Dean says. "Hold On I am taking this one shopping because she hasn't warn a bikini since 06'" Jen says. "We do not talk about that Jennifer Elaine!" I yell. "What happened in 2006?" Dean says. "Well since (Y/n) (Y/m/n) felt it necessary to middle name me I'll tell you. We were hunting a vampire and it only picked girls with her characteristics that participated and won this bikini contes and miss (Y/n) here won. Then she was our bait. She still hated every second of it." Jennifer says. I have my head in my hands while she tells me that story. I hated doing that. "Please tell me there are pictures." Dean says. I stand up before the gets far enough. "Alright uhm Jennifer lets go. Now." I say grabbing my car keys and leaving after giving Dean a kiss and hugging Bobby.

We go to the mall. A place that I hate might I add. And we find some nice clothes and I got a bikini. God I'm going to hate this. We'll see you soon Florida!

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