Chapter 04 - You're My Everything

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"Morning, it's a little early, you both okay?" He spoke tiredly as he joined Joan and Ariana on the sofa putting an arm around Ariana.

"I was just telling mama about the picture.." She frowned explaining to him.

"Aw baby I told you not to worry about that." Jai assured her feeling like what he had said last night didn't help her at all.

"I said the same, I'm gonna go back to sleep now it's too early, you make sure she gets some sleep." Joan spoke tapping Jai on the shoulder making sure he did just that before leaving the room.

"mmmm." Ariana moaned resting her head on Jai's shoulder as they leaned back on the sofa.

"You wanna try get some sleep now?" He asked her, her long brunette hair touching his shoulder.

"If I must." She mumbled her head still resting on his shoulder and her eyes closed tight.

"and I'm guessing I'm going to have to carry you.." He added already standing up to do this.

"" She mumbled giggling slighty at the end of her sentence.

"Right.." He smirked as he picked her up in his arms her head resting on his shoulder as he carried her to their room.

                                                               * * * * *

A couple hours later and Joan, Ariana, Jai, Colleen, Frankie, Isaac, Jones, the dancers, Beau, Luke, Daniel and James were in the car on the way to the sprint center in Kansas City to watch Ariana's set. Ariana would be the first performer at the Kansas City concert so she was pretty nervous. She sat in the back with Jai and isaac beside her as she did some vocal warm ups.

"Fall has always been my favourite season the time when everything bursts with its last beauty as if nature had been saving up all year for the grand finale." Isaac spoke sophisticatedly as he looked out the window admiring the autumn weather.

"Nothing better than an Isaac quote to get you through the day." Frankie jumped in causing everyone to giggle.

"Sprint center." The driver announced as the group arrived at their destination.

"I've got butterflies." Ariana feared feeling a little bit nervous.

"You'll be fine babe, You'll kill it!" Jai assured her providing her with some motivation.

"I love you." She whispeared in his ear before they all got out the car.

"Right, sound check and then show time, don't worry." Isaac assured Ariana as they all made their way into center.

 "It's so fucking big!" Frankie exclaimed as the group walked around the center.

"Nope, not making me more scared, not at all." Ariana replied sarcastically.

"Sorry." Frankie giggled putting an arm around his sister.

"You'll be fine, we're all so proud of you." Frankie assured her as she managed a smile.

"Isn't that right guys!" Frankie exclaimed looking back at everyone.

"Yesss!" Everyone replied enthusiastically.

"Right, come on we better get this soundcheck done." Isaac spoke linking arms with Ariana as they made their way to the stage along with the dancers while everyone else took their seats.

                                                                         * * * * *

The arena was filled with excited voices as the air was filled with cheers and chants as the crowds lights shined ever so brightly creating an atomosphere of excitement. A dozen colors shot from a mysterious crystal ball as the concert presenter entered the stage.

You're My One and Only (A Jariana Fanfic) - Jai Brooks and Ariana GrandeWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt