17. Mission Go Find Bellas

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Beca- I'm lost, Chlo....

Chloe- I told you to stop looking at the My Little Pony toys while we walked past it!

Beca- But, I want to go get the special edition!

Chloe- We can't buy that!

Beca- It's for my collection!

Stacie- Wait, what collection?

Chloe- Her collection that she keeps in her closet.

Chloe- I can't put my clothes in there anymore.

Beca- Remember I'm lost!

Flo- Venice Beach is a big country.

Beca- Flo, it isn't a country

Flo- Then how did you get lost?

Beca- ...

Amy- We should've bought those drones that track down Beca Aubrey

Beca- Isn't that stalking??

Chloe- Not unless you're lost!

Aubrey- True.

Emily- Let's go check back at that chocolate store!

Emily- Maybe she's in there.

Stacie- You know she could just tell us where she is.

Chloe- Oh yeah Bec!

Beca- I'm at that work out place it's very crowded with shirtless guys ...

Stacie- My type of people! (No offense Aubs) Are you checking out the guys over there without me?!

Beca- I'm not checking anyone out!

Chloe- What about me?

Beca- I can't check you out when I'm lost.

Lilly- Aren't we all lost.....

Chloe- Oh yup. We all split up remember!

Amy- Great idea legacy.

Emily- That wasn't my idea!

Beca- Okay everyone calm down.

Stacie- Mission go find Bellas guys!

Beca- Just, don't Stacie.

Aubrey- Found Stacie.

Chloe- I miss you Bec!!! ☹️

Beca- Calm down, you already know where I am. Go find Emily and come back here.

Chloe- Fine.

Stacie- This guy is checking out Aubrey.

Stacie- What should I do? Kill him or Kill him?

Beca- Kill him.

Stacie- Thank you for the advice.

Beca- It was my only option..

Emily- I already went on the trip to go find Beca at the chocolate store but, someone find me.

Chloe- Em, I found you!

Beca- Amy are you back at..Muscle Beach?....

Amy- Yes captain. Aubrey keeps getting me to workout.

Amy- It's too much cardio.

Aubrey- She needs it.

Cr- Someone send help.

Beca- I'm coming.

Beca- Chloe stop it.

Chloe- Okay, fine.

Flo- I saw my brother. He was selling his wife for a chicken.

Flo- But I see you guys.

Chloe- Oh..

Emily- Surprising.

Stacie- Is anyone out to find Lilly.

Beca- Anyone?

Lilly- Look up.

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