Chapter 30: Age 18

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“Hey Ivy, it’s me Mikey… I heard that you like to be read stories, well, I thought maybe you’d like to hear when I first met you.” He says reaching forward for her hand and I place my hand on his shoulder giving him some support, after all he lost Lyn-z too even if she had only been in his life for a short time….

 Chapter 30

Age 18 

Seeing her in the tiny clear crib amongst the other babies who share her birthday makes her look so small and delicate, her little graze of black hair is covered by a pink hat but the blanket she was bundled in was one I’d gotten her- it was cream with stars scattering it, now the soft cotton was pushed to the bottom of the cot and her little chubby arms don’t seem to stop jolting. I giggle at her as she forms little bubbles from her mouth then they pop; I reach in to touch her, to sooth her forehead, her cheek and to wrap her in a way she’d be comfortable and not feeling like she’s trapped. Little did she know it was gonna be just us from now on, we were going to go home later where she wouldn’t be out of my sight. I had been asked to verify her name and sign her birth certificate and whilst filling out all the details I noticed how Lyndsey’s was there- she had apparently known from the moment she stepped foot in the hospital that she would leave us behind.

“She has your eyes.” I jump a little from the voice behind me, I turn and look at my brother who I haven’t seen since I get my stuff from my room months ago.

“The color won’t really show till she’s a little older. What are you doing here?” I ask keeping my hand on the cot as he steps over to stand next to me- even though he’s only just turned 15 he looks older than me if it wasn’t for the star wars t-shirt that was too small for him and the baggy jeans too big for him.

“I came to see my niece, I heard you tell Ray that she had been born… you don’t need the color to see that she’s yours, they both hold so much emotion and are big and bright- she’s beautiful… her name’s Ivy right?” he says holding his hand over her waiting for my little nod of encouragement before he reaches in and clasps one of her little hands that are up by the side of her head.

“Just like grandma wanted.” I nod and for a moment I see him go to speak again but he stops and goes back on himself.

“She’d be proud… listen, I’m sorry about mom and everyone, I know how Lyndsey was with you and I know you stuck through it for your daughter… maybe you could come home? Let mom see her and the guys, they’d love that.” he tries to persuade me.

“No. Although some things are easy to forget I can’t, I’m a dad now Mike’s… some people might not like the fact but it’s how I am- it’s who I have to be and I hope that she grows up knowing I’d do anything and everything for her.” I say before I lift her carefully from the cot and move to place her in his arms… “Like this.” I move his arms to show him how to hold her. “Support her head.” I say letting her head leave my grip last and for a split second I panic.

But it instantly dies when I see Mikey gasp at the transfer of weight, the broad smile on his face and how he pulls her to him like he wouldn’t drop her for all the world. My baby girl moves her arms as they can’t rest on the bed beside her head anymore and in that moment her little hand gets caught on Mikey’s t-shirt making her hand scrunch up although she has no grip as her ‘fine motor’ skills haven’t kicked in yet. Mikey chuckles and moves her hand from his t-shirt then rests it still holding hers looking down at her adoringly. I take a picture on the camera that took mine and her first moments on and tell him I’d give him a copy; he thanks me and begins to bounce her a little as she becomes a little teary, I reach out to take her but he already seems a pro; she stops and begins to make those little bubbles again whilst she blinks up at him- although she can’t see shapes or colors yet, but her eyes brighten like she can see the love he’s giving her.

“Little Ivy.” He whispers and sighs. “A product of star-crossed lovers.” He looks up at me and I scoff.

“We weren’t star-crossed, there was nothing about it- it just wasn’t meant to be.” I shrug and he hands Ivy over then walks to leave.

I place her back into her cot and give her a kiss on her forehead, cheeks and nose. “You’re gonna be a great dad Gee, I’m glad to see you finally happy.” He says and I give him a hug filled with a promise to keep in touch.

……… (Age 28)

“I left, I got into Ray’s car and I thought about you all the way home, a couple of weeks after that every time I went out to Mandy’s diner I would see Gerard with a little baby getting bigger and stronger, every month I would check up on you- and to this day I still have our first picture.” Mikey takes out his wallet pulling out a little picture and resting it on the edge of the table in her room so they could be looking down on her.

“I know it’s no fairytale but it’s not finished yet- right?” I say to him trying to be positive but I know that this may not be over or it could end all too quickly.

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