Real or not Real pt. 1~

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"Well Mrs. Mellark it looks like all is well with the baby. Would you two like to hear the heartbeat?" Doctor Stevens asks. Peeta looked at me, almost as if asking approval. I shake my head. "Yes." Peeta replied. Boom. Boom. Boom. Peeta looks at me and smiles, I smile back at him. I can tell he's ready to be a new father again. "What's the gender?" I ask excitedly. "Well we can't tell just yet because it's legs are closed." the doctor says disappointingly. He's been saying that for the past few weeks. I'm at three months already and that's all I've been hearing. "Okay." I say. "Thank you so much." Peeta says, shaking Doctor Stevens' hand. I'm still laying down. "Wait a second" the doctor says looking at the screen. He points all over the place and I watch trying to keep up. "I can see what it is!" Doctor Stevens says excitedly. "Mr. and Mrs. Mellark, you are going to be the proud parents of a happy baby girl." the doctor says. Me and Peeta look at each other with enthusiasm. I know he wanted a girl and I kind of did too. "Willow will be so happy!" Peeta says over excitedly. We leave the office after thanking the doctor again and go home. "Alright let me start dinner" Peeta says. "Okay. I'll go pick up Rye from day care. Willow should be home any minute." I say. He kisses me. "Okay." he says smiling. "Love you!" I say walking out the door. "Love you too" he yells back. I pick up Rye, drive him home and put him in his crib. I go downstairs. Willow is sitting on the couch watch one of her kid's shows. "Mommy! Look what I made!" she says holding up a macaroni necklace. "Oh, it's beautiful baby." I say. "Its for the new baby!" she says excitedly. Peeta comes in the room. "Willow, me and mommy have something to tell you." He says in his cute, soothing daddy voice. "What?" she says, her eyes wide. "Your going to have a baby sister!" I say enthusiastically. "Oh my goodness!" she says as she runs up and down the stairs. "I'm going to have a baby sister!" . She had the same reaction when we told her she was going to have a baby brother. Me and Peeta watch her laughing lightly. "Dinner is ready." Peeta yells. I kiss him once again and get Willow. He goes to get Rye. "I love our family." Willow whispers. We all laugh then start eating.

Real or not Real Ch. 2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon