Cai Xukun

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this imagine have lots of conversations instead of paragraphs. sorry for that. i kinda wrote it in hurry and didn't proof read it since i'm busy with my admissions and stuffs.

requested by J2E5S1S0

word count- 2429

You are a professional choreographer and you've choreographed lots of dance moves for famous music artists'. Even though you were quite young you were very talented and well-known.

It was a pleasant saturday morning when you received a phone call from your manager requesting you to choreograph the theme dance for a Chinese reality show called Idol Producer.

"I don't think I can do it. What if my choreography is not good? You know that this show will be watched all over China and even the world and the opening theme will be like the most important.. Ah- I'm getting frustrated"

"(y/n), calm down. You're acting like a rookie now. You can do it, I know" your manager told you over the phone, "but if you feel like you can't do it, let me know by tonight because I need to give them a confirmation."

After you hung up the call, you contemplated whether you should do it or not; You finally made a decision and called up your manager.

"Chen-ge, I accept the request. I will choreograph the dance."

"Really? You'll do it? Okay I will call them up and tell them that you accepted their request." he beamed.

"You're usually very strict when it comes to me accepting other people's request but for this you're kinda lenient, are you hiding something from me?" You questioned, doubting his intentions.

"Actually, Chengxiao, the dance instructor there requested me so..." he laughed awkwardly, "And I couldn't say no since I've got a little crush on her." You could actually feel your manager blushing over the phone.

"So you're using me?" You joked, making him gasp, "I'm kidding, I know you won't use me."

"Okay, I'll take you to the location on monday and I'll also send you the theme song later so you could think of some dance moves. They need it choreographed in about a week's time since they need to film it."

Later that night you received the theme song from your manager. The song was really catchy, you liked it a lot.

You spent your whole sunday choreographing the dance moves. It was relatively easy for you to choreograph it, but you were worried because you had no idea whether the people will like it or not.


"I cannot believe I'm here. Chen-ge, I'm scared." I stated

"Don't be." He smiled at me. "You don't have to be scared, it's nothing" I just nodded at him.

"Ling Chen!! You're here" Chengxiao exclaimed when she saw your manager.

"Hello, Chengxiao" he smiled at her. You looked at your manager in a teasing way, when he saw your face he flushed up in embarrassment.

"Are you okay? You look sick?" Chengxiao questioned him worriedly.

"N-No, I'm fine." he stuttered.

"That's good" she smiled, "and you must be (y/n). It's an honour to meet you, I'm a big fan." she stated.

"Likewise, looks like we're both fans of one other." I remarked.

"Let's go the practice room, I'll introduce you to the trainees." she guided you and you manager to the practice room. You were shocked to see so many boys packed in one room.

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