Lin Yanjun

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Yanjun and I were together for 5 years, we were so in love when we first got together. At the age of 19 till we turned 24, we were strong and so in love.

One day I guess he woke up and felt the need to break my heart. He told me he didn't love me anymore. I felt like my heart shattered into a million pieces. I didn't know what to say or do, I froze. I felt like my world came crashing down. Losing the love of my life was a nightmare. I never thought i'd see the day that he would walk out of my life.

Just the night before we had got into an argument over some girl who kept texting him. He kept yelling at me and getting frustrated saying he didn't know who the girl was. I didn't believe him because as the saying goes "The person accusing you of cheating is the one who's cheating." He had accused me a few days ago saying I was cheating on him out of nowhere. I was confused and questioning myself if he's the one cheating and if he's feeling guilty of cheating so he decides to take it out on me and accuse me.

I gave him my all and stayed true with him since day one. I never gave him a reason to think I was cheating on him. After we had the argument he apologised and wanted to make it up to me. I had prayed to God that Yanjun was being faithful to me. I was being faithful and I had deserved to get it in return. Just the next day at 7 in the morning Yanjun felt the need to wake me up and break my heart. This is how it all went down.

I wake up hearing a loud thump, I turn and look to Yanjun's side of the bed and see him packing stuff into his suitcase. "What are you doing baby?" He looks down at me and his face shows no emotion.

"I'm leaving you (y/n)." I felt like everything was in slow motion as he zips up his suitcase and puts it by the door.

"What do you mean you're leaving me Yanjun? Please stop. Put the suitcase back and talk to me. Please." I beg him as tears slowly make their way down my face. I see him turn to look at me as he stands in the doorway and he shakes his head as he grumbly speaks, "I don't love you anymore. I can't stay in a relationship with someone I don't love. That's not healthy for either of us. I'm sorry (y/n), take care".

He picks up his suitcase and walks out of our bedroom and makes his way down the stairs, I stand up from the bed and run to the stairs. I beg him one more time, "Please Yanjun don't leave me. I'm sorry for anything I did wrong. Just please don't leave me.. I love you Yanjun.. please.." He stops walking and looks at me, I feel a cold chill run down my spine as he speaks coldly to me "I don't know what the fuck you expect from me but get this through your thick skull I DON'T LOVE YOU ANYMORE! DO I HAVE TO SPELL THAT OUT FOR YOU?! ARE YOU THAT FRICKIN' STUPID? HOW CLEARER DO I NEED TO GET TO HAVE YOU UNDERSTAND I'M LEAVING YOU AND I'M NOT COMING BACK!." He raises his voice at me and breathes heavily, his face is red. I feel like I can't breathe. He licks his lips and walks out of the front door, I run down the stairs out the front door yelling his name.

"You don't understand how much I love you Yanjun! Why are you leaving me??!! Why can't you tell me why you're leaving?!." He puts his suitcase in the trunk of his car and as he shuts it he raises his voice at me again "I TOLD YOU WHY I'M FUCKING LEAVING (Y/N)!! I DON'T LOVE YOU ANYMORE!." He goes to the driver side of the car and opens the door and I angrily speak "It's that stupid bitch huh? She's the reason you're leaving me after a good 5 years together right? She's the reason! God why am I so stupid, why didn't I put  2 and 2 together.. The accusing of me cheating, the texts you got from her then the arguing. Wow.. I should have knew it."

He looks at me coldly and angrily speaks " You really aren't smart (y/n). I'm not seeing anyone and if you read the messages they are clearly a joke, it was Zhangjing texting me from Choaze's new phone. It was never a girl texting me to begin with, and I told you I can't stay with you anymore because I simply don't love you anymore. I'm sorry but that's the truth." I feel dumb, I can't believe I accused him of cheating on me when he wasn't in the first place.We were both faithful to each other, it's just he doesn't love me anymore. I have to respect his choice to leave me, I have to be strong as hard as I don't want to let him go I have to. I take a good hard look at him one more time and make eye contact with him as I speak sadly "I'm sorry for assuming and accusing you of cheating on me Yanjun. I should have known you wouldn't do that because you're an amazing guy. You wouldn't have the guts to do that to a girl, you have enough respect to let her go if you wanted someone else. I assumed the worst and now that I know the truth I apologize for assuming and accusing you. I have to respect your decision to walk out of my life, I wish you the best in life Yanjun. I'll always love you."

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