But I heard noises, small feet made there way to the living room before she stood before me.

"Can I have some cookies? I'm really hungry" it was 3am

She slept for about two hours and she was up like nothing.

But I stood up, i stood up with a stupid smile on my face and told her to sit but she sat on my counter and waited for me to hand her some cookies.

I gave her my whole jar and sat down next to her.

"Would you like some milk?" I asked, she nodded as she took a small bite.

A moan left her lips.

The chocolate must still be melted because that look on her face said they were good.

And I gave her a glass of milk.

By 4:30 we were still sitting on my counter, we ate my whole jar of cookies, the ones I made and we finished the small gallon of milk I had.

So we sat in silence, tired and full.

"Its 5 o'clock in the morning" she said.

"The conversation's got boring" I sang

"You said you're go to bed soon" she sang back and thats when I realized she was cool.

No one has ever sung on, they always got offended when I told them our conversation had gone boring.

And we laughed, maybe it was stupid but we laughed.

"You got a joint?" She asked, a smirked as I hurried and grabbed my stuff to roll one.

"Moon rock" I held the joint in the air before handing it to her.

"I had about two hits of this last time and I was gone" she took the lighter from my hands and placed the joint between her lips before lighting it up.

I watched as she took two hits before giving it to me.

We coughed a couple of times but finished it together and soon we sat in my living room watching the history channel as high as kites but before I knew it we had woken up to a lawn mower.

We were still on the couch, but she had cuddled up to me, her on top of my chest and legs over mine.

"I hate lawn mowers" she groaned and stood as I sighed and hurried to close the windows so we wouldnt hear the loud noise.

I laid back down but realized she was gone.

Minutes later she appeared with her stuff in hand.

"You're leaving?" I asked, a frown on my face

"Looks like it" she looked down at her phone.

"Ill take you" I spoke and sat up

"No, its fine, ill take a taxi. You've done enough" she didnt have a smile on her face or any sort of emotion.

"Ill take you" it was more of a statement.

She shook her head.

"Ill take a taxi" she spoke and grabbed her shoes.

But before she could walk out the door I stood before her.

"I said ill take you" and she sighed before stepping aside.

"Fine" and I sighed in relief before running to brush my teeth and wash my face.

She was sat on my couch, playing with her hands.

She was so quiet.

"Lets go" I mumbled as I grabbed my keys and opened the door for her.

There was something wrong.

My phone vibrated in my pocket as I opened the door so she could climb in my car.

I hurried and got in before checking my phone.

Johnny: take her and leave, go to Mona's and she tell you what to do.

I frowned at the text but knew exactly what he meant.

Something went wrong.

I cleared my throat.

"Your father wants us to leave and go to Mona's" I spoke out the blue, I didn't know what else to say.

She sat quietly.

"Then lets go to Mona's"

Its an update. Sorry.

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