We continue walking over and pass a group of gorgeous blonde girls with skinny legs and arms. I wish I could be as perfect as them. When I look down at my leg I don't see fat I just see bulk that could be confused as fat from all the running that is required in fencing. I'll never have perfect little arms like them with my large deltoids and biceps. I know I don't need to be like them by there is a little part of me that says I will never be perfect. That small part can eat away my entire happiness in this moment.

We reach at the MGM and Niall takes a gray beanie out of his back pocket and adjusts it on his head. We saunter through the lobby being as inconspicuous as possible. We start to pass by some signs that advertise the tigers and I stop in a déjà vu moment. "We need to go there now."

"But I'm so hungry..." Niall rubs his stomach and straightens his sweater. I pick up my pace to get to the glass. Harry mumbles something. I turn my head to him in frustration. "What did you just say?" I drop my voice. "You don't need to mumble if it's important."

"We were here last night. We were all together here." I lift my eyebrows at him and place my hands against the glass to get a enter view. There are a couple of tigers and a pond it's really nothing special. A small private collection of rare animals that's all. The white Siberian tigers ignore each other and walk around the enclosure. Suddenly, the pond ripples and something surfaces and goes back don't. My heart skips a beat and I tap Niall on the chest. "Did you see that? There is something in the water." I watch it again and within thirty seconds the figure bobs back up. It's not an animal it's human. Slowly and cautiously a head comes out of the water. "BOOBEAR!" Harry slams his hands against the glass in angst.

"How the hell did Louis get in there?" Louis mouths "help me" and I burst through the door behind that says "Animal personnel only".

"Whoa whoa whoa missy you can't be back here." A fat man with curly hair and a styrofoam cup of coffee drops his keys to hold out his hand to stop me.

I catch eyes with Harry and wink. "Sorry I just got the wrong door... I thought this was the way to the lavatories." I turn to go back and the boys follow but I turn around and dash into him,making him spill boiling coffee on himself. He screams in pain and doesn't notice as I reach down and pick up his keys. I use the ID card attached to get through the next point.

My hand brushes Harry's as I try to close the door but it's too heavy. I reach for his hand and grab it for support. We close the door just as the man stumbles towards it.

The room is made of glass and we look to see a small door fashioned into the glass . Louis bobs his head out again with eyes of fear and bewilderment.

I tap the glass and hold out three fingers and point to the door attempting to say,"Well open on three you better dash."

Niall begins to turn the wheel and one of the cats sees him. "One." I hold out my index finger for Louis to see. "Two." Niall pushes it farther Almost ready to open it.

"Three." Louis makes a brake for it and awakens the tiger mother with his splashing. "Aaah!" he screams with a open mouth still running he ducks for the door as the tiger slams into it from behind.

"Lara!You saved me!" He takes me into a big hug and carries me bridal style out of the room. He drops me at the site of two guards awaiting us on the other side.

"Disperse!" Louis runs past them with Niall but Hary and I get stuck running behind them. The two guards grab us from behind but we wiggle out and run. Still holding the man's keys, I lock them in and run out.




"Niall! Wait... This sounds familiar.." They giggle at an inside joke that I am not privy too. Louis whispers about "pussy magnets" and taps Harry on the bum.

"Can we go to dinner already?" I breathe heavily after running in heels and let a curl fall into my face before blowing it away.

"Sure thing love!" He picks me up again and walks over to a nice restaurant. He plops me down and I say,"Hello sir we would like a table." I smile graciously and Niall jumps to get his wallet out to pay. "Uhh I'm sorry miss you and the two boys will be find but not this... This lake monster." He points to Louis who's clothes have dried but he is still in a moist tee shirt. His hair droops across his face flat with some green who knows what in it.

I inhale sharply and grab my bag to walk off in a huff making the boys leave with me. "But it smells sooo good." Niall grabs my hand to stop me and I just drag him up."Either we all eat there or none of us do." I walk confidently even though I'm about to break a heel in these stubborn shoes. It's almost a good thing Louis carried me because I highly doubt I would be able to fease this walk after running. Last time I take show advice from Kat aka Ms. Perfect aka Ms. DiCaprio. Just push it out of your mind Kat.

"McDonalds anyone? My treat!" Louis pulls out his wallet to reveal soggy dollar bills. "Uhhh... I don't have my card with me."

"No problem I'll get it Lou." Harry takes his wallet out with a grin knowing his best friend or lover is back.

Niall steps up to the counter to order first. "Hello I'd like two big macs and a large chips errr fries and a coke. Make that two large fries.... And an oreo mcflurry."

"Niall you didn't have to order for me."

"I didn't order for you." Gosh he just eats that much...

I order a big Mac meal and a soft serve cone. Harry pokes me in the small of my back and whispers,"Just like old times." Everything I do brings back memories of the "old times". Every Sunday we would go to the ice cream shop and get a vanilla soft serve cone. I suppressed so many memories with him. I barely remembered that until just now.

As Harry orders, the lady perks up as she recognizes him and asks for a picture. He comes back to our table with a silly grin on his face. "What?" I ask looking at him with suspicion. "I never thought a woman could smell like chili chips."

I quietly sit composed in unwrapping my hamburger when Niall squirts me with ketchup from the tiny hole in his packet by accident. I wipe my face off and take out my straw to blow the wrapper at Niall.

"So where exactly are Zayn and Liam." We shrug and continue eating with a second though to it. "YOU DON'T KNOW?"

I shake my head silently as Louis hyperventilates slightly. "What else happened while I was gone?While I was imprisoned in the rare pussy enclosure." He smirks at his dirty joke and looks for an answer looking at us all.

"Oh Uhhh... Lara and I are madly in love." I kick Harry's shin from under the table as he sits next to me. "Owww! It's okay I still love you Darling." He winks and I press my lips together in hatred.

"Seriously? Doesn't seem like it."

"Because its a mistake. I was drunk. We were all drunk. And we lost the boys and management wants us to be a couple."

"For at least two months."

"TWO MONTHS?" I drop my fry onto the tray and drop my lower jaw to the floor. At least it felt like it. Harry munches on a fry quietly and looks completely undisturbed by the fact. "That's what management said at least..."

"Fuck management. I can't even stand you for that long."

"But we have to for my career and image. For your image. You don't want to be seen as a bitch by the whole world do you?" He raises one side of his mouth matter of factly and I huff. I can't fight this blackmail.

"It's a deal. Two months then we break." I extend my pinky to form the promise and he makes it without complaints.

"Well we better act like a damn good couple shouldn't we Hazza?" I intertwine my fingers with his as I nonchalantly lick my Ice cream.

What Stays In Vegas: A One Direction StoryWhere stories live. Discover now