Part 2

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The girl doesn't response to Aleksander. She looks at him in fear, but also with curiosity. Aleksander notices it and says with a soft voice "My brother found you while he was driving home" he didn't want to tell her the truth "he saw that you were not feeling well and because you didn't have anything with you, he didn't call your parents and he brought you in our house instead". He waits for a response, but she doesn't answer.

"Do you know your name?" he asks worried now
"Natasha" the girl says quietly
"Natasha" Aleksander repeats "do you know what you were doing alone in the night?"
"I wanted to go away"
"Away from what?"
"Everything" she says quickly
Aleksander wants to know if this has anything to do with her scars, but stops himself and asks about last night "And what happened?"
"I don't know" she says looking down "last thing I remember is walking to the nearest bus station, but I don't know if I ever got there...I remember feeling really light headed and tired..."
"You had fever when my brother found you and we were able to cool you down"
Natasha looks at him "It looks like I have to thank you" Aleksander can't help but smile when she says that. There was something in her eyes when she said it.
"You're welcome" he smiles at her.

"Thank you so much for helping me" she says again and uncovers herself "but I don't want to bother you" she gets up from the bed.
"No please, stay" Aleksander takes her hand and looks her in the eyes "you don't have fever anymore, but you still need to rest, at least today"

His eyes are so blue; Natasha can't stop looking into them. When she first saw them they were cold, emotionless, but now there was something there. It was like he was feeling lost and he wanted something.

"If you don't mind" she finally says "I'd love to stay here, rather than search for a place to stay".
Aleksander says amused "I wouldn't mind at all" and let's go of her hand.
"We will have breakfast now; if you are hungry we can bring the food here in the room"
"I actually am hungry yes" she touches her stomach and smiles.
" I will tell Tatyana to bring you breakfast and if you need anything just ask her"
"Thank you again" she smiles at him
Aleksander who is already at the door, turns around, says "Anytime" and smile back at her.

Aleksander was never in love. He is convinced that he doesn't even know the meaning of it, he never experienced it. Yes he cares and loves his family, his brother, his 3 closest friends and members of the "Bratva" (their mafia), Tatyana – the maid that raised him and his brother and here is where it stops. He absolutely hates his father, his mother died when she gave birth to Maksimilian. The closest thing to a mother is Tatyana that raised him and Maksimilian as her own. Aleksander always says that she is the light of his life, because even though she works for the mafia, she is the purest human being that ever walked on Earth. Even though she doesn't say it, she knows what both of them did and she still loves them with all of her heart.

Even though Tatyana raised him with love, his father had too much impact on his upbringing. He started training fighting at a really young age, at the age of 10 he started with gun training and later on with other weapons. His father never let him have friends. He was allowed to play only with his brother Maksimilian; who is 3 years younger than him (30 years old). Their cousin Sevastyan; who is the same age as Aleksander (33 years) and this two are inseparable. Roman is the same age as Maksimilian and his best friend. He comes from a different mafia family, but he joined them, when he had a fight with his family. The forth one is Ilya, Alexander's father came home one day with him saying that he found him, while they were attacking one of their enemies. He said that he couldn't just leave the baby there alone and he decided to raise him as one of his sons. As the years went on Aleksander couldn't stop thinking that his father probably lied to them about how he got him, but he never asked him about it. Now Ilya is 26 years old and even he wonders sometimes, if his real family is still alive. But just like Aleksander, he never talks about it.

All five of them are Bratva (this is how they call the mafia). Aleksander is the boss, some members also call him Pakhan, Vor (thief) or Papa. Maksimilian and Sevastyan are his 2nd and 3rd, Roman and Ilya are also in the main group. There are other people who take care of other mafia related things and also a lot of security around the house and for the five main members of Bratva.

As far as it goes for "love" experienced by two people when they fall in love, Aleksander never had that. He never had a girlfriend; all women he had been with were literally one night stands. He never slept with the same girl twice; he didn't even spend the night with them.

At the age of 16 his father acquainted him with places where the mafia men satisfy their sexual needs. Aleksander never felt love there. He knew that when he has needs, he goes there, does his thing and leaves. No love, no romance, nothing but sex.

He never met a woman that would make him feel a different way, a woman that would constantly be on his mind. But the moment Aleksander saw Natasha that changed. He couldn't stop thinking about her. She was so beautiful, she attracted him so much. It was like an angel walked into his life. He didn't want just sex with her; he wanted to feel every part of her body. He wanted to smell her hair, the sense of her body. He wanted to have her, he needed to have her. And when Aleksander wants something, he gets it.


I know, I know...I didn't upload the story for almost a month !!

But here is Part 2 and in this part I mostly present the main characters from Alexander's family and friends and a little bit of his upbringing.

I kinda made a plan to post new parts at least once a week and I will probably update this story every Thursday or Friday :)

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