Chapter three:Swimming

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C:Bro calm down you only went down the slide.

Me:Oh sorry

((when I do this I'm explaining something)I had a very big imagination.I was just imagining I was an Eevee and went Down a waterfall.)

(My friend and I was swimming in a building for swimming  and we were gonna go down a water slide again.)

C:I dare you to touch that pipe.

Me:Ok fine~*Pokes it*

*My soul is sucked out of my body.I looked like an Eevee! My spirit Pokemon!I can see my body is fine but I look lifeless.Suddenly I'm sucked trough the pipe as an Eevee and was transported to a room with a Pikachu,Piplup,Tepig and a,Rowlet.*

Me:Umm what's happening*


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