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The Ski Lodge

They crept through the back door, sneaking their way into the woods. They hid behind some bushes and watched as Carver's group merged and disappeared into the house.

"We should be safe now." Luke whispered. He motioned for the group to come out of hiding. "Let's just keep walking north and hope they don't follow us."

"Hope they don't follow us? Some leader you are..." Rebecca crossed her arms.

"You wanna lead us?" Luke sarcastically asked.

Rebecca snorted, placing her hand on her hip. Clementine could tell she was not a lovely person due to the pregnancy hormones.

"Okay, if I'm correct, the station is this way." Luke scratched the back of his neck. He started walking with the group following behind.

"And what if you're not?" Rebecca crossed her arms.

"Then I'm wrong." Luke chirped. He continued walking.

Clementine eventually pawned the wagon off on Sarah, earning a rejection from Carlos, but Sarah insisted. "The twins are so cute. What are the odds that they're a boy and a girl." Sarah talked on and on and on about the twins.

After hours of endless walking, they came across a bridge. Luke pointed out the station they were looking for, at the other end of the bridge.

"We need to make sure the bridge is sturdy." Carlos said. "Luke, you should go."

"Why me?" Luke whined.

"I don't know." Carlos shrugged his shoulders.

"Anyone else want to go?" Luke asked.

"Not really..." Nick squeaked.

"Let's go, Clem." Luke sighed. He pulled out his machete and started walking forward.

"Woah woah woah. You're going to take the 10 year old?" Rebecca laughed. "She'll be killed. Well, that might be good on our part."

"I'm actually 15." Clementine pulled a hammer out of her bag that she stole from the shed.

"Rebecca!" Alvin nudged his wife. "That was so rude. How you would you like it if someone told that to our kid, huh? She is our own."

"What do you mean?" Rebecca glared at her husband.

"She's...Black." Alvin pointed out. Clementine looked at her tan skin, and looked back up.

"You do know we can hear you...?" Nick commented.

"Take Pete instead." Rebecca told Luke.

"Or I'll take him along." Luke gestured for Pete to come with him and Clementine. "C'mon."

Pete grabbed his crossbow, and walked behind Clementine and Luke. Clementine carefully held her hammer out in front of her. Luke took out a walker, Clementine took one out, and Pete killed one that was about to topple over Luke.

The three moved forward and saw a figure. "Hello!" He called. A gun was hanging from his hand.

"Hey! Do you live in that station?!" Luke asked.

"Yeah! We have plenty of food! C'mon over!" The guy nodded towards his house. "I'm Matthew." He stopped and squinted.

Luke looked back and saw Nick hold up his gun. "Nick no!" Luke yelled out. Matthew held his gun up, and Luke pulled Clementine down to the ground.

Clementine heard a shot cry out, and a bullet hit Matthew in his neck. He fired his gun, hitting Pete in the chest before falling off of the bridge.

"No!" Luke yelled. He ran over to Pete, and tried to stop the bleeding. "No no no no...!"

"Shit!" Nick ran over, clutching his gun.

"I told you not to fucking shoot, dumb fuck!" Luke cried.

"I-I didn't mean to! I only meant to protect you and Cl-Clem-Clementine!" Nick howled. He flopped down on the bridge, and threw his gun. "I always fuck up." He cried into his hands.

"Don't say that, Nick." Clementine tried to comfort the boy.

"I just fucking killed my uncle! How much of an example is that!?" Nick yelled. Clementine looked back to see the group running onto the bridge.

She heard the groans of walkers approaching, and started to walk to the group with Luke following. She killed a walker with her hammer, another with a rock, and another with an arrow she found. Luke took out a couple more than she did with his machete.

Clementine and Luke lead the group over to the station, letting them settle outside. Clementine went to open the door, but it was locked. She took her hammer, and banged it against the doorknob, knocking it off, and slinging the door open.

"The station door is open!" Clementine yelled to Luke. He jogged over and smiled down at Clem.

"Good job, kid." He ruffled her hair.

"Thanks." She blushed.

"Luke, could you go talk to Nick?" Alvin walked up to the two. "He isn't doing so good."

"Yeah." Luke walked away.

Clementine and Alvin walked into the station, cautious of anyone that might be inside. To their surprise, no one was in there.

"Before Nick shot that man on the bridge, the man said WE have plenty of food. I don't see anyone else, and I don't see food." Clementine looked around the room.

"Maybe it's in that trunk...?" Alvin pointed to a little chest on the ground in front of a window.

"Yeah." Clementine got on her knees and tried to open it. It wouldn't budge. "It's locked."

Alvin walked over to the desk, and grabbed a hunting knife. He pulled it out and handed it to Clementine. Alvin looked at the case it was in. "MW." He read.

"The man said his name was Matthew. Was probably his." Clementine replied to Alvin's comment.


Clementine pried open the trunk and when the lock broke, she lifted the lid. "All that's in here is two cans of peaches!" She pouted. "He said there would be more food. He said 'we have plenty'."

"At least there's something." Alvin picked up a can. "Hey, she looks just like you!" Alvin held the can up to her face. Clementine didn't look amused. "Do you mind if I take this can? We can keep it a secret? Rebecca's eating for two, and—"

"Sure." Clementine smiled. She felt like being nice for Alvin. If Rebecca had asked personally, she would've said 'Fuck no!'

"Thank you." Alvin chuckled. He walked out, leaving Clementine alone. She put the can of peaches in her back pack, and walked out. "Um guys!" Alvin pointed to a small herd of walkers.

"Nick come on!" Luke yelled at his friend. Nick got up reluctantly, and the two ran off of the bridge.

"We can't run with thewagon!" Sarah yelled. Clementine was quick to act, and scooped up Kat while Rebecca picked up Lee.

"Thank you." Clementine smiled at the woman. Rebecca smiled back. The group advanced up the hill, eventually coming across what looked like—

"A ski lodge!" Luke exclaimed.

Things Happen ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon