Every story has an end

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You wake up in the middle of the night to a voice in your head , "Come closer little one" " who are you ??" You ask , all the sudden a ghost like dragon appears in front of you "You are an angel, you my dear are a princess , you are my Little Fang ." Your eyes widen and you follow the one who says she is your mother , witch you believe , she takes you to the garden behind your house , she touches your nose then points up , there the stars start to dance , the move and make pictures you find them funny , your mother tells you to turn into a dragon and fly up there with her , , you do as your told and fly up to the stars . One lands on your nose , it tickles making you sneeze , your mom laughs and you do the same ,you  fly back down and watch the stars , all the sudden a net gets thrown over you , you scream and all the lights in your house turn on and you see all of your family run towards you but the van you where thrown in starts to drive away. You start crying and everything goes black .

Robins POV: I see y/n get driven away from us. I jump on the van with the rest of the family behind me . We watch them take her to a lab like place , she was knocked out ,
(2 hours later of fighting )
I can't believe we got captured ! They out numbered us ! We were behind a plexiglass cell , we all see scare crow inject y/n with a poison "NOO!" We all scream tears threatening to fall . Scarecrow laughs before leaving , y:n gets up and her tail hits the glass and sharers it we all run out into the middle of the city , y/n starts to cough up blood , I look at her , blood is running off of her bottom lip , she smiles before collapsing in my arms , tears fall from my eyes , everyone surrounds me as I cry into her neck , she starts to sing our favorite song , all the sudden our entire family starts singing , then the sky lights up showing the northern stars and a bunch of other dragons start singing also . At the end of the song y/ns eyes close .

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