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(You are your normal age , last chapter you aged due to some "medicine" joker gave you but now ur ok . Hope this is not to confusing  )

Damon's pov : I wake up to hear yelling down stairs , I run down and run in kitchen . There I see all my brothers pointing at y/n on top of the cabinets . Father grabs her and holds her . "Y/n how did you do that" father asks . " I made a fist like this" *makes little fist* " and then I looked at the cabinets and I teleported up there" she said smiling . " Hey Jason ! Guess what day it is !!!" She says ignoring our confused faces . "What day ?" Jason asks in confusion. "It's Halloween !!" She yells jumping from fathers arms and runs up to her room . We all laugh at her and make breakfast , " Hey Dad, Jason , Tim, Domain, Dick !!! Come here !!!" She yells we all go up stairs to see the entire hallway covers with spooky and festive stuff . A door opens to y/n's room . We all go in to see it covers in snow and ice as soon as we enter it fades away leaving no traces . We all look around . Something darts across the room shutting the door and locking it . We turn to see y/n talking to nobody .
*y/n laughs *
"Oh, Hello Father meet my friends !!" She says as she turn revealing nothing .
"Umm honey ? We can't see them ." Father says . Y/n looks at us then at the wall . "Come on guys don't be scared" She says . All the sudden four spiritual animals appear . There is a buck, a wolf , and a falcon. We all blink four or five times to make sure we weren't dreaming . We got to see them and talk to some of them before we said our goodbyes and they left . We decorated the Manor to look "spooky" or at least that's what y/n said .
(2hrs later )
We all played outside , y/n was a great hider. We played hide and seek and played tag along with play wrestling . Y:n was a master at that game , she should tackle you if you made her mad , witch was often due to Jason's teasing , she was about able to pin Jason !  [Note to self  don't mess with u !! ._.] . At the end of the day we all watched a movie with father , y:n wasn't to bummed that she didn't get to go trick or treating . Surprisingly she didn't even want to ! She just was happy hanging out with us .

Bruce's POV: I took the boys up one by one to their beds and tucked them in .Y/n was the last one to be tucked in "night my little bat girl" I said as I kissed her forehead , she smiled a little in her sleep . I smile before closing the door and left to my room to fall asleep  .

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