Finding and fighting

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Y/n is now 13.
Damien's POV. I go back to the scene the scene where we found the rubber body , that's when I see it and it all clicks , y:n was chased by those girls then given to joker . The family find the girls and they tell us where joker is keeping y/n .

That night
"We break the glass silently we sneak in the entire family a single spot light shines down where we stand the dark surrounding us. We get in circle formation no Blindspot. All of a sudden all the lights come on and I see joker everyone's fists clenched. " Oh Batsy I see that you want your precious little daughter back huh? Well I'm sorry but your dad is here but I do have a new recruit. Meet (your super villlin name )"
And just like that he disappears we look around frantic we stay in circle formation also in the all the lights go out except for that one. The one on us my head turns to where there was skittering . Nothing. Everyone looks around frantically of the sun a dark figure shows up out of nowhere. It's off enough for armor body suit eyes are glowing blue from technology and a tail of the Dragon and two wings poking out the side. She sprints and hits Jason in the chest .  Making a taser like noise . She stands in place looking at us all . The armor then dissapers leaving y:n there , her eyes teary . A force field blocks us from where , she looks at us
" i..I don't want to do it !!!"
(A demonic voice coming from her voice )
"You have too or I will !!"
(In normal voice )
"No time for goodbye, he said
As he faded away
Don't put your life in someone's hands
They're bound to steal it away
Don't hide your mistakes
Cause they'll find you, burn you
Then he said
If you want to get out alive
Run for your life
If you want to get out alive
Run for your life"
At the end she turned into an all black dragon with red eyes and hid into the darkness , she sang this song like she was in a movie , but she was telling us she did not mean to hurt us if she dose . I felt bad . When I saw her I trapped her with a net . Her skinless dragon showed up her heart in the open . All the sudden .....


A gun shot was herd , "JASON !" I yell looking at him , "It wasn't me !" I turn and see joker with a gun " sorry batsy but she cant be on our team if she can't do her job !" He yells before taking off.I look over to see  y/n heart hit the floor and crack . I look up and see y/ns eyes roll into the back of her head and blood drip from her mouth . "NO!!!" She lands beside me ...
The bat family all looks at her body , I look a the heart and see hinge . I open it up to see a big picture of us . Tears fall from my face. I was about to close it when 3 dragon like spirits come Out of nowhere. I look up at them looking for answers. " you can save her , just believe , she lost all hope when she was forced too hurt you , she will be healed and alive ." One says " just place the heart back ." I do I said I was told Allison Y/N's body rises hurt her eyes shoot open blue and white filling them also and she's laid back down by the unknown force. Her eyes flutter open. We are surround her and hug her her dragon from seeds and she is not the little girl that we all knew someone without a missing I the one who made the quirky jokes , the one who is My little sis .

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