Chapter fifteen- Hello stranger👋

Start from the beginning


"Come on Mia you can't come to the beach and not swim. That's totally impossible. It's like saying Taylor Swift won't sing a breakup song when she breaks up." Jason complained for the tenth time.

"I don't see how that's impossible 'cause that's what I'm doing right now and Taylor Swift like really?" I said rolling my eyeballs.

"That's it you're so going to swim," Jason said advancing towards me and carrying me off the blanket like I weigh nothing.
He was going towards the water like he really meant business.

I had to play the pity card as quick as I can to stop a disaster.

"Please no I can't swim," I said using an innocent face.

"You can't?" Jason stopped suddenly looking at me in concern.

God, please forgive me for lying.

"Yes I really can't," I said faking innocence again.

Jason was already setting me down and I could taste my freedom. When blabber mouth Ashley decided to open her mouth.

"Are you listening to her? She was in a fucking swim team and was the best. I even won lots of medals for them. She's lying." Ashley scoffed.

That girl loves to rain on my parade. Sometimes I wonder why we are best friends, or why I haven't thrown her down a bridge yet, or maybe she was dropped as a baby.

"Well liar liar pants on fire Mia, Ash just exposed your little lie," Jason said picking me up again before I could wriggle away.

"Jason I demand you drop me right this minute before I grill your balls," I said panicking as I realized we were close to the water.

Jason then dropped me. Wow, such a gentleman.

You wish! He dropped me into the fucking water.

"You should have seen your face," Jason said laughing as he held his stomach.

"Now you got me wet dumbass," I said glaring at him.

"Be careful you have a fiance. You can't feel such a way about me." Jason said smirking.

And you forgot to ask what Ash did.
She was fucking laughing like a lunatic.

I hate my best friend.

🌸End of flashback🌸

Since Ash left Jason has been in his study working his butt off. He didn't even come down for food. Ma'am Pagnole had to take it up there for him.
He said something about catching up on lots of work.

I was tired of staying at home so I decided to go out to eat at a diner and maybe shop a little.

So I took a map and marched out of the house with determination to find a good diner to eat at.

After fifteen minutes that determination dwindled. I started regretting why I even stepped out of the house in the first place. I was still looking at the map intently when I heard a voice beside me.

"Hello, stranger." The husky male voice greeted me.
His voice was sexy but Jason's was better.

What the hell Mia! You got Botox in your brain.

"Hey," I responded politely.

"So I saw you looking at the map intently. Are you lost?"

"No... I'm looking for new ways to go to the moon." I responded sarcastically.

"Feisty are we. My name is Blake Weston I'm also new here. I thought we could stick together and suck at directions." He said chuckling nervously.

"Where are you going?"
"To a diner, I want to eat." He said smiling again.
"No...they play footsie in a diner," I responded sarcastically even though creepily he was going where I wanted to go.

After ten minutes together at sucking with directions. We finally found a diner. We ate and talked about a lot of things. We even had a lot of things in common. I didn't even realize it was getting late until I glanced outside.

"Shit! It's late Blake we got to start going." I said hurriedly standing up and dropping the bill on the table.

"Here is my number if you need someone to suck at directions with." He said smiling.

"Sure..... hope to see you soon," I said as I happily skipped away.

Wow! I just made a friend.

Unknown P.O.V

Things are falling into place. If Mia can talk so freely with a stranger. Then my revenge is easier than I thought.
Things will soon sweeten up for dear Mia.

That's the update😊
Yay readers.😊
Thanks for sticking around.
Love you all💓💓💓

So I finished typing this by 5:00 am. I couldn't wait to update 'cause I love you all so much.
So 'cause I pulled an all-nighter for this chapter it is so not edited.
So please be nice and point out when you spot an error.
Love you #the invisible got to sleep.

P.s Sorry for not toning down the suspense.
Hope you'll still love me?😅😅

So for your FBI mind do you still think it's Dayne or is it now Blake.
Or some other creepy person?😀

The next update will be soon.
Until then...... Adiós.💟💟💟

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